Original Post
(Entropy) Laws Of Entropy


1. Being respectful is of utmost importance,especially to your superiors
2.Being inactive for three days without reporting it first earns a demote,7 days gets kicked
3.Maintain a reasonable post quality
4.Obey both the clan and the forum rules
5.Cut unecessary cursing
6.Keep your arguments in the PM's
7.Be a good sport
8.Think before you start typing



Single & Clan Allies


() - Create a functional,stable and friendly community of likeminded individuals just wanting to enjoy their time on this platform
(X) - Have 7 members
(X) - Have 10 members
(X) - Have 12 members
(X) - 5k TC in bank
(X) - 10k TC in bank
(X) - 20k TC in bank
() - 50k TC in bank
() - 100k in bank
() - 200k in bank
() - Become generally recognized among other clans
() - Become Official


Last edited by pranit; Dec 31, 2015 at 07:35 PM. Reason: Finishing DSC
Hey pranit nice new klan, Hows it going?? What haopppened with ascend?
ascend is pretty much dead and my clan is open for all who want to have fun or play tb seriously and how are you doing eki its been a while bro ?
Ascend is dead? Well, rhae is prolly too busy with life . Yeah brah,sorry for not updating and stuff, school's been pretty busy and i have football haha. (Entropy) will rise indeed someday, ;)Laws of entropy, where'd you get the idea for the name?
+ on the minor lords, you can name the rank as "Counts", as in Count dracula x)

wouldnt hurt to be an ally too
Last edited by Lust; Sep 4, 2015 at 02:34 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Thanks for the suggestion with the rank,gonna handle that once we have new members as we can't have more ranks now xD

Well,the name came to me while listening to some stuff and procrastrinating on Ascends repeated "death".

Entropy would describe the situation pretty well so I went with it.
And thanks for having faith

See ya!
Let the shadow of Dååth make a turn for the worthless!
Proud leader and Co-Founder of (Entropy)
Yeah guys, no problem. I hope to see more from this clan, which "rose from ascend's death" haha.

well see you later guys, gotta be off
I'm doing all right,got up early for a change xD
How's the rest doing?
Let the shadow of Dååth make a turn for the worthless!
Proud leader and Co-Founder of (Entropy)