Original Post
[GM/IF] The Possessed Item


For the past 8 years, once every Halloween night, the mighty and feared spirit of Itemforgers Past comes out. This Spirit is vengeful and will do whatever it can to ruin Toribash's items for its players. In order to protect Toribash's 3D items from his evil plots, The GameMasters and the current Item Forgers come together and wage war against the Demon Spirit. When the battle is over, they seal the spirit away inside a newly crafted Item. But, This year something has gone wrong. The Item they were going to use has broken and they need a new and creative item Quickly, so they may once again thwart the Spirits plans. That is where you come in...

You and your fellow Toribashians must help the GM and IF teams by creating a new Halloween themed Item

-ONE entry per person (we will know if you use an alt to try to enter multiple times)
-Item MUST be halloween themed
-Simplicity is Ok (dont try to go overboard on the item)
-Item Designs MUST Be Either Hand Drawn or Computer Generated. NO GOOGLE IMAGES or We will send the spirit after you.
-Be Creative and Original (plagiarism will not be tolerated)
-You must post the Item Design in THIS thread in this format:

(Item Picture)
To save our eyes from having to strain from a tiny picture be sure to try to use an image hosting sight such as "imgur" when you upload the image

-Name of Item (this will be used as the title)
-Any details you should have about the item such as color, size, or texture etc...
-Personal description for the item that all will see when the item is put up for sale. (if one is not given or the one given is inappropriate but the item still is chosen a new description will be made up for it. The same rules apply to the Title of the item.)

For example:

2 Item Designs will be chosen for the sealing ritual
Both Winners will receive:
4 x
1 free copy of the item THEY submitted (you will NOT receive someone else's item or a different item entirely)

The Items Chosen will be available for sale to all after the event is over

Items will be chosen by:
The GM Team
The IF Team
between them the Best 2 Designs will be chosen

October 15
at 10:00 AM -5 GMT

Reached Judging Has Now Ended.
All Further Posts or Edits that are not in the form of a Question involving this event will be ignored.

Congratulations to these two Players:

Asuna and Fear
You will receive your ST prize imedeatly and your 3D item prizes will be given as soon as they are conceived.
This process may take time please be patient.

Thank you to all who participated in the event.
Last edited by Fates; Oct 23, 2015 at 02:12 PM. Reason: Deadline has been reached. judging has begun.,
[VIBE] 2015~2016 | Team Pokemon | [Origin] 2014~2015 | Team Aikido | [Obey] ~Because Frost Said So...
Why can't we use Google Images? If you don't let us use Google then only Texture Makers and MSPaint users will give entries for the most part. Please allow Google? This about ideas anyway not textures or art.

Item Image

Title:Bloody Cleaver
Details:Sticks out of the head. Not handheld to avoid ruining replays. Textures are Carbon Fiber for the handle and Stainless Steel for the blade. Colors are black for the handle and silver for the blade. For Toribash colors it would be Void for the handle and Quicksilver for the blade. Size is about as big as the hand and wrist combined. Could be with blood stains on the blade but it's up to the judges and forgers.
Description:The preferred tool for chopping bone.
Also, first entry woohoo! (In Homer Simpson Voice)
Last edited by Merc; Oct 15, 2015 at 01:35 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
| Leader of FC | Loans | ABD Enthusiast |
That's exactly what we are trying to have happen if you DID use Google images then it wouldn't be much of an event would it? We are looking for the best DESIGN not necessarily the best item so it wouldn't be fair for you to be able to use Google images which would require almost no effort.
[VIBE] 2015~2016 | Team Pokemon | [Origin] 2014~2015 | Team Aikido | [Obey] ~Because Frost Said So...
Can we post our ideas before we make the model ?
I don't want my idea being used by someone
The design probably matters more, it's almost inevitable there will be duplicates.
I will participate. The item created must be placed in toribash the doll or can I do it separately (show it in different positions)?
Need one set or Head? PM-me.
Went ahead and made one of the most obvious things I could think of, if art matters I lost.

Name : Knife headband.
"A headband with the beginning and the end of a knife at the 2 sides"
With this cool headband, you'll get all the candy you need!

Rapid Threads Lmod.
Got any questions? Feel free to ask!

Originally Posted by LEViLS0N View Post
I will participate. The item created must be placed in toribash the doll or can I do it separately (show it in different positions)?

Whatever floats your boat as long as it follows the given rules. Would be easier for the IF team of you did depict it on a tori to show size and location.
Originally Posted by Azion View Post
Can we post our ideas before we make the model ?
I don't want my idea being used by someone

You could but after a certain amount of days if your post is lacking any essence of and entry or questions/feedback I will most likely remove it. Which means don't make a post with just a dot on it and expect it to be a reserve for your entry. If you think your design is original enough that it could be picked then I Would hold off until you are ready with the actual design.

Originally Posted by Snook View Post
The design probably matters more, it's almost inevitable there will be duplicates.

There will most likely be a lot of duplicates. That is the reason we ask for creativity and originality.
Last edited by Fates; Oct 5, 2015 at 06:05 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
[VIBE] 2015~2016 | Team Pokemon | [Origin] 2014~2015 | Team Aikido | [Obey] ~Because Frost Said So...
http://imgur.com/jdGON2x (sorry XD)

Name: Dead head antennas
Description: "Wearing these antennas will get a shock and a fright out of someone.
Just don't get 'ahead' of yourself!"
static | toad (ormo) max | haku

Black Kitty