Original Post
your opinion on the modern internet world and what you do on it
I'm trying to be done with the internet for the most part, i think it's cancerous and should only be used in small doses. (as if ill actually fully quit but those are my beliefs)

my opinions/scientific facts:

tumblr is full is complete cringe, sluts and hatemongers gratifying themselves and social rejects making stupid posts.

reddit is full of losers who resent girls for friendzoning/rejecting them

the sites like funny or die and shit are still entertaining i think

forums are boring as hell, especially this one

4chan and the deep web suck, if you're into cp and gore that's your trip, plus the 4chan trolling sucks, facebook comm groups >4chan (see the last opinion)

vine videos are never funny, none of these stupid ghetto trends are

instagram is cool if you follow artsy photographers

facebook, my kingdom, a true wonderland. back in the glory days of 2013 i was a master troll in the groups, now the groups suck and it's just lame roasting attempts (e.g calling a fat girl a whale with no other creativity), exposing sluts, and actually entertaining memes and videos

facebook is only fun if you're in the comm groups, i only use it cuz i get tons of nudes and have like three 20k member groups, and one of them is a me/my friends worshiping group, so those are entertaining. the most active one got hijacked tho so now im sick of facebook. (if you want into the magical world of groups add me on facebook and ill add you to a bunch)

also my crowning achievements on facebook are


and this one time i got a feminist to admit girls deserve to be raped and then got her nudes LOL. pm me if you wanna see the screenshots from that, ill have to find em

i haven't been on much else lately besides random stupid sites so idk if you guys still amuse yourselves with shit like that

i think internet culture is getting shittier and shittier, somehow they keep coming up with new trends like what are thoooooose and watch me whip, plus tons of articles and new games, but now technology is in every facet of our lives and im not looking forward to the internet in the next 10 years, videogames will be bomb doe

im sleep deprived so idk if this was very cohesive or coherent or whatever the word is but i tried, now tell me what you do online and how you feel about the internet/social media
Last edited by Zayex; Oct 25, 2015 at 11:08 AM.
the inner machinations of my mind are an enigma
You are a fucking god.
I believe that the more and more widespread the internet becomes, the more and more shitty ideas are spread.
i.e: Modern feminism
i.e: 4chan memers who think they're cool but drink milk for breakfast
Last edited by Valterain1; Oct 26, 2015 at 02:29 AM.
Valterain1 was defeated by hermaphrodite on Oct 17, 2015.
Internet is made to spread information to the public with its different areas and targets.
If you too much in trhe computer and so on the internet you just need to get something constructive to do.
Forums can be fun to read each a day, facebook, every now and then, but dont take so much time waiting for
the shitty information(wich is so much expensive) and tell your opinion wich is useless.
It's fun to use the internet to learn new shit and broaden your horizons or whatever, but then you get sucked into the world of bad memes and neckbeards, which is a shame
the inner machinations of my mind are an enigma
reading the op makes me glad im not exposed to all that trash, the only things i use the internet for nowadays is irc, downloading music/vidya, occasionally browsing /sp/ and these forums since i have friends here

Originally Posted by Valterain1 View Post
I believe that the more and more widespread the internet becomes, the more and more shitty ideas are spread.
i.e: Modern feminism

just stop taking 13 y/o girls seriously
oh yeah
Originally Posted by Valterain1 View Post
You are a fucking god.
I believe that the more and more widespread the internet becomes, the more and more shitty ideas are spread.
i.e: Modern feminism
i.e: 4chan memers who think they're cool but drink milk for breakfast

when you're older you'll realize how shitty you are and how pointless le toaly troilering peppls xDDDDDDDDDD is
wow that
every single thing that zayex says just makes me think hes a beta memelord, like youre honestly rating sites based on how well you can troll on them. Aint gonna lie but you look pretty god damn lame right now. Read the following quote!
and this one time i got a feminist to admit girls deserve to be raped and then got her nudes LOL. pm me if you wanna see the screenshots from that, ill have to find em

i think internet culture is getting shittier and shittier, somehow they keep coming up with new trends like what are thoooooose and watch me whip, plus tons of articles and new games, but now technology is in every facet of our lives and im not looking forward to the internet in the next 10 years, videogames will be bomb doe

You find stuff like that funny? That facebook post with the marker wasn't even funny in any way shape or form but you're also ranting on about creativity and shit with trolling but you literally had someone put marker on their wrist and talk like a cat meme from 2006. I mean I guess I can understand some of this stuff being funny when you were like 14 but I know you were like 14 in 2010 or something so that isn't even an excuse. Instead of trying to get fake nudes from random dudes pretending to be girls on the internet you should try real ones.
i created the ??? emoji
like a lighter bitch we ignit
i'll say it again, any opinions or anything else zayex voices is purely to piss people off, replys like that one means you're falling for his shit and you're equally as bad as him, because he's so fucking transparent about it.
wow that
lmao if my cutting marker thing rustled your jimmies so bad it worked as intended, it was only funny because of the reactions i got from people. (e.g I SAW THE MARKER U IDIOT FAKE!!!!). my friend posted a pic of him in a bra and got even more likes lmao, that was the best page ever
also that was 2 years ago thx

lmao @ fake nudes tho, -snip-

anyway the point of this status post is to say I'm bored of lame trolling/pissing off people, and the entire culture is no longer appealing to me, so you're basically just being an asshurt little nerd for no reason

and OT I was asking for opinions on how you feel about the internet and what you do, not a cringe show. but thx again
Last edited by Mathias; Oct 27, 2015 at 10:47 PM. Reason: steven stop posting nudes
the inner machinations of my mind are an enigma