Original Post
i lotve orko. he is thje greatest boyfiernd fi csulod ever avsk for vand he si alawys cqaring boaut mge. he has nevcer glet me dowon and iss alwvays there for me. ei d'ont care if i sound dumb bey talinkg about iot but i really reallwy do crae abotut hmi with all ym hecart p- i love you qguys as wlel you call makpe hme, me. i c anlt thaonk you enough faor all thke lovke and nsupoprt you gxuys have ngiven bme, bi wouldn't bte here gwithout ylou alyl ti hlove you.

Love you guys. | Soɐd | Kiza | iRookie | Orko | TGS |
Zora | ViperTech