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Would like a quick comunity appraisal
Halloo. I made a texture set recently, and it's kinda a basic full 128x128 set.

I have not ever tried to market textures before though I have made several for personal use.

This one I made to sell, and since I have no idea the value of these things, I want to hear your input. I hoping to get enough from it so I can start up texture business, I could make these things all the time if I tried.

I've named this set the Azure Tribal. Just give me a rough idea of what it might be worth in TC


Attached Images
AZuretribe1.jpg (28.4 KB, 68 views)
AZuretribe2.jpg (44.6 KB, 65 views)
AZuretribe3.jpg (45.7 KB, 67 views)
Hey, I'm not that into art but I think your lines are too stiff, rough. This may be worth somenthing like 5K or more.
This should be posted on the Art board tho, it's the right place for it. People there also could help you better with cnc, tips and such.
I'm pretty sure it's the hands your talking about. Ya, those are hard to do because the super crap way the textures handle them, (The smallest and low res spot happens to be the *tip* where you see those rough *fingers*), Not anything I can do to soften or sharpen those to much without upgrading the res on the whole texture set.

I't certainly has to be worth more than 5 k? The 128x128 texture set costs well over than just blank.

I didn't want to post this in the art section because I'm not trying to sell it quiet yet. I simply want to know the average value for it. Hence the Rapid.
I wasn't talking about the Art/Textures board, which is where you sell stuff, talking about the Art board. Don't consider my price, I don't know much about art's price.
This set might look really good if jointed doe
Lol, that's the sad part. On the market a single blank joint texture at lowest res runs like 6k, it's ridiculous.

If I can manage to sell this one at a decent price though, jointed textures are planned in the future.
put it up for auction, then you'll sell it and determine its worth ~ (two birds, one stone)
The past makes you wanna die out of regret, and future makes you depressed out of anxiety. So by elimination, the present is likely the happiest time.
Yes, that's a good idea, but I would like to know what the starting bid should be around so I don get screwed over.

I Just tested it in game (been using blender to make it) and discovered that all the parts that look like they are glowing (anything blue) turns black when you take damage, making it look like fading energy on damage.

Really a cool effect..... The red from damage totally cancels out the blue for a second. Might have to charge a bit more for that peculiarity.

EDIT: Looks really good in game though. Make a great starter set for someone.
Last edited by Zypher0A0S; Jan 13, 2016 at 04:05 AM. Reason: Left out info.
I would honestly say it's worth 7.5k-15k.
Just depends on the person who's willing to buy it though.

It's not too bad, but it's not that great.
Most good sets sell more mostly because of the head texture. Imo, the better the head texture the better the set can look as a whole.

If you had a better head with more detail that went with the rest of the body, you'd probably be able to get 20k-25k out of it.
5k auction start wouldn't be that bad, you can always use your previous works and learn to try and improve on other sets you create.
[SmallBowl] [fallu] [Moop] [Parrot] [SkulFuk] [Icky] [Sassy]
Need help with any market related questions? Feel free to PM ME. <Powas> I've got a degree in 1001 techniques of masturbation
very simple and the body parts are just mirrored

not worth much, take what you can get
The past makes you wanna die out of regret, and future makes you depressed out of anxiety. So by elimination, the present is likely the happiest time.
I appreciate the tip on the head texture, It actually wraps seamlessly and has more detail on sides and back, just cant see it well in those renderings. I feel like it fits the rest of the set pretty well?

What exactly made you think it doesn't match up? I would enjoy it if you can point out something I didn't notice.

With these low res textures I cant get too detailed, I am pretty much working with pixels at 128. Though I would definitely love to be able to work with the higher res stuff, I just cant afford it in any way atm. Need to make a few sales first.

Well now that I have a rough price figured, How do people usually go about selling these? Do they package them up in a bundle already attached to the texture items or do people usually just give out the jpgs?

Like I stated, I have never sold textured before.

Originally Posted by ThePirateKing View Post
very simple and the body parts are just mirrored

not worth much, take what you can get

No offense intended but you absolutely can not just "mirror" parts and have them line up. There is allot of work that needs to be done to make a symmetrical set, more so than asymmetrical. Just out of sheer curiosity Pirate King, have you tried your hand at making texture sets? The answer is really important so I know if your info is credible or not.
Last edited by Zypher0A0S; Jan 13, 2016 at 04:22 AM. Reason: Reply added while typing.