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If you were to write a book, what would you call it and what would it be about?
<ZENBOY123> "Skip"
<SkipBySkip> "Shit, what have I done now?
It'd be an autobiography, basically about all my adventures leading up to the current time point. Can't really think of a name.
An autobiography on how I got as hench as Mwah. Call it 'Gym Lad'.
<tunadao> And if the potato get old it will be better,because noones can eat a old potato it turns into legendary potato
about adventures and other, about apocalipcis
Waiting for answer of my Market Squad Application!
Microtonal composition theory
The imperfections of the modern scale and the idea of changing the modus with microtones is interesting to me. As a violinist I have to be constantly aware of my intonation (you might talk about the "brightness" of a note), and it's interesting to see how you can intentionally play notes with a different brightness to create a different feel.
There is sadly a lack of written work on this, and the ones I've found are out of print.

It would be called something boring and descriptive like "microtonal theory".
Brendan (he who passeth judgement on the frequent changing of signatures): I don't do hentai anymore
I would definitely be the first to buy that book ^

Are you personally able to distinguish particular microtones? The western chromatic scale is pretty ingrained into me, and it's hard for me to pick out microtones averse to just hearing them as sharp/flat tones. :c

Although I'm triggered when you say the western scale is imperfect, that hurts man

I'd probably write a classical guitar instruction book or... something like that. Something music. I'm pretty piss poor at writing non-fiction, so it'd have to be something of that sort.
Originally Posted by pouffywall View Post
I would definitely be the first to buy that book ^

Are you personally able to distinguish particular microtones? The western chromatic scale is pretty ingrained into me, and it's hard for me to pick out microtones averse to just hearing them as sharp/flat tones. :c

Thanks dude I'll sign it for ya
Difficult question. If we're talking 19-tone scales then I can pretty easily hear the difference between a small second in 12-edo and one in 19-edo. Not sure if I could distinguish a 19-edo small second from a 24-edo small second though.
Also you're not alone in that. Most people describe microtonal music as "western music played out of tune".

Although I'm triggered when you say the western scale is imperfect, that hurts man

It's literally a compromise between pure intervals and a functional scale
Bach's original temperament was probably closer to just intonation than 12-edo.

This doesn't mean the modern scale is bad, or that microtonal scales are better, or that there exists a thing like a perfect scale, but it's still imperfect and could probably made more interesting. It's a shame people haven't experimented heavily with temperament since Bach's time and that anything that deviates from the western scale is frowned upon
Brendan (he who passeth judgement on the frequent changing of signatures): I don't do hentai anymore
Originally Posted by Lazors View Post
Thanks dude I'll sign it for ya
Difficult question. If we're talking 19-tone scales then I can pretty easily hear the difference between a small second in 12-edo and one in 19-edo. Not sure if I could distinguish a 19-edo small second from a 24-edo small second though.
Also you're not alone in that. Most people describe microtonal music as "western music played out of tune".

Thanks man, I'll cherish it always

That's pretty impressive to begin with imo. I had a hard enough time learning how to pick out specific tones when there were only 12, can't imagine how tough it'd be for me to relearn how to pick out tones of even smaller intervals.

It's literally a compromise between pure intervals and a functional scale
Bach's original temperament was probably closer to just intonation than 12-edo.

This doesn't mean the modern scale is bad, or that microtonal scales are better, or that there exists a thing like a perfect scale, but it's still imperfect and could probably made more interesting. It's a shame people haven't experimented heavily with temperament since Bach's time and that anything that deviates from the western scale is frowned upon

I wouldn't have used the word "triggered" if I wasn't just a little bit kidding :c Don't hurt me pls

In all fairness though, in practice the average joe wouldn't be able to pick out a true perfect fifth from the 'perfect fifth' in the western scale due to imperfections in how we discern frequency anyway, so calling the scale imperfect may be a bit harsh, at least in the context of exploring other scales.

It is a shame that more experimentation hasn't been done though. This is a sad comparison, but its the same way with body modding in tb lmao. A lot of people like consistency with competitive mods and I guess any variance is seen as a little threatening. Whaddya do
I wouldn't have used the word "triggered" if I wasn't just a little bit kidding :c Don't hurt me pls

In all fairness though, in practice the average joe wouldn't be able to pick out a true perfect fifth from the 'perfect fifth' in the western scale due to imperfections in how we discern frequency anyway, so calling the scale imperfect may be a bit harsh, at least in the context of exploring other scales.

I'm just having fun honestly, not entirely serious either.
Actually I bet most people would be able to distinguish a good fifth from a bad fifth since it's the most natural interval, but yeah the important part isn't that the fifth sounds different tonally, but that it has a different quality. Intervals that are imperfect are "dull" as opposed to "bright" and it affects how the music sounds.

It is a shame that more experimentation hasn't been done though. This is a sad comparison, but its the same way with body modding in tb lmao. A lot of people like consistency with competitive mods and I guess any variance is seen as a little threatening. Whaddya do

Not too bad of a comparison. People don't like learning new bodyparts, just like people don't like learning new intervals (not to mention not all instruments can easily play microtones without modification).
Brendan (he who passeth judgement on the frequent changing of signatures): I don't do hentai anymore
It's definitely cleaner and more stable, especially to a trained ear, but I feel if you were to take a song adjusted to just interval based on harmonic relationships at any given time and take a song played using equal temperament and played them both randomly to some guy on the street and ask him to identify which one has the cleaner intervals, he'd probably ask you to play them both one more time lmao

Fuck though, like you said I can't even play microtones without turning my guitar into this

I think we just derailed the thread though