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most serious injury you've gotten while doing something stupid
What is the most serious injury you've gotten while doing something stupid/bizzare?

Mine is when I tried pushing a window back on it's track, because it wouldn't close; It shattered and gave me a deep laceration on each wrist, and I had to go to ER and get 7 stitches in each wrist.
I used to tumble/trampoline at a national level which was cool. But, the injury came when the place I was competing for opened a trampoline place where everything was trampolines, floor, walls, etc. (I forget the word now). And it was the opening day, and the team was allowed to be the first ones in. Well when I went to dunk a basketball or something, I sprained my ankle. I'm pretty active and that's my only really serious injury.


screw through foot
screw that

it was like the bottom part of a chair but there was a screw with filt to stop it from making a shitty noise but it fell out when i leaned back without noticing and then i stepped on it
Last edited by ChokeMeDaddy; Nov 25, 2016 at 10:48 PM.
Fell off a roof whilst changing brick panels once because it was raining and i wanted to get work done so it wouldn't damage the roof underneath.

As i fell i ofc have to miss the scaffold that is to the right of me and fall down 5-6 meters landing on my side

I dislocated my shoulder and damaged my elbow and broke 3 ribs, badly hurt my knee whilst also going with a concussion.

Manny more accidents that have happen but can easily say this was the most painful one. Happened about 5 or 6 years ago.
Jun 2, 2023 - .best. day. ever.
One time I got an infection in my foot because I blister popped and I hadn't changed my socks in a week. I technically could've died. I now wash my socks like a proper human being.
I think I might be retired.
I once got hit in the head by a golf club. Almost lost my right eye. However it did crack my skull. So that sucked.
Last edited by Rfifan; Nov 25, 2016 at 11:44 PM.
RIP [duck] Aug 28 2011 - April 20 2020
Was loading metal pegboards into a truck, and one fell apart while we were loading it. The little nipple things on the end to lock them into place smashed into my hand and smashed my hand into the truck. Went into my hand lmao.

"Dear reader, I hope this email finds you before I do."
Originally Posted by Rfifan View Post
I once got hit in the head by a golf club. Almost lost my right eye. However it did crack my skull. So that sucked.

so the master of decapitation almost got decapitated? Jokes aside that sucks.
Originally Posted by WeooWeoo View Post
Was loading metal pegboards into a truck, and one fell apart while we were loading it. The little nipple things on the end to lock them into place smashed into my hand and smashed my hand into the truck. Went into my hand lmao.

ouch. sounds like it hurt x.x
Originally Posted by Grohenbird View Post
One time I got an infection in my foot because I blister popped and I hadn't changed my socks in a week. I technically could've died. I now wash my socks like a proper human being.

oh god infections; once I had two ear infections at the same time as well as bronchitis. Felt like hell.
Originally Posted by Xioi View Post
Fell off a roof whilst changing brick panels once because it was raining and i wanted to get work done so it wouldn't damage the roof underneath.

As i fell i ofc have to miss the scaffold that is to the right of me and fall down 5-6 meters landing on my side

I dislocated my shoulder and damaged my elbow and broke 3 ribs, badly hurt my knee whilst also going with a concussion.

Manny more accidents that have happen but can easily say this was the most painful one. Happened about 5 or 6 years ago.

Damn. Makes my sides hurt just thinking about it.
Snapped my knee in half skating in my younger days, fucker even rotated around in the process so my foot was under my chin.

Best of all it wasn't even from doing anything special, was heading back to my car & tripped over some pikey's DIY bong they'd left on the ground. Clearly we had the best skate park. -_-

Nothing more annoying than spending 6 months with your leg cast from your ankle to your balls, makes negotiating stairs rather awkward.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you