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Requesting realistic hands and feet!
hey there! i'm looking for some higher quality hands and feet for a set i'm throwing together. I'm willing to pay up to 20k for both the hands and feet, if they're good enough.

I already have the hand and feet textures made out, all i need is someone who is talented enough to draw them and make them look good.

Hands: I'd like wrapped hands, with the fingers sticking out, the wraps coming up halfway to the second kuckle, like MMA wraps, like this. i'd also like the style somewhat similar to a certain legend we all know.

Feet: for the feet i'd like pretty much the same thing, realistic feet with wraps on them, coming up to the first knuckle.

if you're interested, post here or pm me. i have the skin colour and general feel of the artwork in my head, as it has to match a head i currently own. remember, i'm willing to pay up to 20k for whoever does the job right!
hi i'm karbn and i eat ass; love the market overlord
Do you mind if it's c/p or do you want this hand drawn... If drawn this can take time and the price would go up big time.
well, depends on how cp you're talking. if it's so c/p it's blatantly obvious then yes i mind. if you're c/p in some places, just to fill up the space and come the texture look complete, then no i don't mind. i'd rather nearly completely hand drawn, and i'm willing to pay up to 7$ Cad if the job is done right. but that means it matches the style and structure of my current head texture. if you can't replicate it, then i'd rather you not waste your time
hi i'm karbn and i eat ass; love the market overlord