Original Post
Eval scammed me!!!
Eval said he was going to give me elf blood if i gave him 481 tc aand radio force.... i waited he told me to send first so he could see if i was scamming him so i sended it and i waited like a while and he disconeccted.....

You can't receive QI restricted items unless you have the QI, Just thought i'd let you know that. Also, I sent you 481 TC. Happy?
I think you PM support@toribash or somthing, Im not quite sure.
Cap 'n' Crunch has worked for Quaker Oats for the past 35 years click here and support promoting him to admiral.
He may have not known about the qi restrictions

But still, you may neeed more proof, screenshot your accnt history or somthing

getting scammed sucks
Originally Posted by RiseAgainst View Post
If you are dealing with a scammer:
  1. Take a screen shot of the deal being made.
  2. Take a screen shot of proof you didn't recieve the item and/or tc.
  3. Private Massage (PM) a ToriAgent with all your proof.
  4. If you do not provide valid proof we will not be able to assist you.

The list of ToriAgents are found here.
