Original Post
Free Mini Texture Tuts
Hey , this thread is for helping new Texture makers (such as myself) learn some basic stuff about what they need to know , so if their is anything you need help with , post here and i'll try and help you
P.S , only ask questions about GIMP

(idk if this is should be in tutorials or here if its in wrong place some1 move it for me ^^)
ok i make a good pic in the 128x128 square. as soon as i turn it into a globe there seems to be a huge quality loss how do i get around that?
Last edited by Thorac; Dec 1, 2008 at 06:58 AM. use this link and start playing. contact me and i ship you some $
hmmm .. when you make it into globe , save it as a .jpg file and put the qaulity to 100% when it asks you the qaulity
Or, better yet, remember that sphere mapping does not constrain image proportion, so you have to compensate somehow. (hint: Both Avwave and I have tutorials on this in the tuts section)

Then, keeping that in mind, start at least in 256 pixels square, and try saving as a .png to keep quality up.
I think he means the quality loss in the globe itself. It is cuz .gif format uses fewer colors.

Btw, how do you teach if you yourself are new?

Ok, here is a question for you. Do YOU know how to change color? Do you understand the bevel and emposs functions?

Meh, it's early for me. Cranky. Especially after a load of nubs made ass hole offers for my items. Can't ANYONE offer just ONE decent price?!?!


A serious question: nightmare?
Gimp is Pimp(tm)

DarkJak's Wide-Range Texture Shop[LINK]

Incognito - [o]
When i make a head, how can i make the left side 100% like the right side of it?.
I can help with Photoshop problems. I cant hide it that im new at headmaking but designing graphic is my hobby for 3 years with small breaks.

TheSev i had this problem and when you are making head try mirroring one side of background but ur vorderground must be non going out of square. In other situation u can mirror one side of all head.

maybe we should amke one sticked thread for single questions?