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Toribash Basketball Academy

Toribash Basketball Academy

Welcome to TBA, The Toribash Basketball Association founded by Kazuyi, We have to offer exciting experience here at TBA as our Association focuses on just having a good time .

Discord Server -
Mod - xp-halfcourtv11.tbm/basketballx2-v2.tbm

A special head texture from Sandalphon
Hot pink force
Deal with it glasses

Atreus and Faux.
-Kazuyi has dropped out of planning the event.


1. There will be a coin toss from the ref to determine who's playing offense/defense

2. If you break a rule once, you will get a warning. If you break the rules twice you get disqualified.

3. The goal of the offensive player is to get the ball into the net.

4. The goal of the defensive player is to steal the ball and shoot into the net.

5. If a player manages to slap the ball while you are holding it. you must let go of the ball. You are allowed to hold on to the ball only if the slap is weak and or you are holding the ball with two hands. If you are having a hard time determining this the ref will step in for you.

6. if you ping or disconnect from the game while you are playing you will be automatically disqualified.

7. Reaction time will remain at 35 but the ref can change tf to 2 when you are shooting.

8. Normal basketball rules apply.

Here is the bracket for this event <3 Time will be set to the individuals availability.
Last edited by Faux; May 23, 2022 at 02:42 AM. Reason: Upping the reward <3
[dog] Is and always will be my favorite clan
Sorry you guys had to see this stuff posted 3 different times. Whole things been an ordeal.
[dog] Is and always will be my favorite clan
We are taking a hiatus until Saturday. Most of the people participating in the event everyone seems to be busy with school right now. See ya'll till then. Also quarter finals have started!
Last edited by Faux; Apr 24, 2022 at 08:55 PM.
[dog] Is and always will be my favorite clan
One more game to semi finals!
One more game till finals!
Last edited by Faux; Apr 24, 2022 at 08:53 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
[dog] Is and always will be my favorite clan

Urging through finals, school wise and basketball wise, this event has been
quite a long one and i'm glad to announce that the winner is ...


Congratulations on your rewards and I hope to be hosting another event for
all of y'all soon. It'll be basketball related and much shorter

Last edited by list; Jul 13, 2022 at 08:38 AM.
[dog] Is and always will be my favorite clan