Original Post
[REL]2player Guillotine
that about sums it up, i made it in a few secs, but no grip makes it fair for multiplayer (push like a SOB!!!).....settings are set on load as well

pretty self explanatory....and unfortunately i have no replays of it...
Attached Files
Pushaxe.tbm (2.5 KB, 41 views)
Technical Old School. - It exists.
Tag? wtf is that, and whats REL?
god i think i missed something >.>

o....lemme guess REL is release
req is request and wip is obviously work in progress
Technical Old School. - It exists.
Erm, yeah, you got that right. Keep it in mind next time... Also, I still don't see a screenshot...
I'm back, I think... :)
Mod Pack
ya, sorry, its because i had made an avi and i didnt see avi on the list of uploads....here you go :P

Technical Old School. - It exists.