Original Post
anyone want a pharos torso/other stuff?
Alright... i put the torso and trails on the market and opend a youshop... called Limeguy64's shop... haha and yea so its there. PM me or post here if u still want the special clan offer b4 its sold

hey uhh i know i havent been to active forum wise... but im ingame plenty...


im in some need for tcs... and a while back when i was still figureing out my look i had bought a pharos torso

long story short... i dont need it anymore cuz i got my look down... but uhh haha i still need to buy some stuff...

i wanted to let all the clan members know first b4 i went to the market...

make an offer if ur intrested and uhh i bought it for 54K but itd be less here cuz well were a clan ^_^

yea so post if ur intrested


PS: im adding a complete set of aqua motion trails... (r hand, l hand, r leg, l leg) which i bought for 800tc each for a total of 3,200 tc but ill sell them for 2,400tc as a set sooo ur paying for 3 and u get the fourth free
Last edited by Limeguy64; Jan 11, 2009 at 02:09 AM.
avatar:DENZEL FAISON, animation: Samule
wait... u want to give me 3k most for something i bought for... 54k...

haha im generous but not that much... and i need the tcs...

also... the offers up for clan members only... for the time being... and i didnt see u on the SFST members list...
avatar:DENZEL FAISON, animation: Samule
You could just give it to the clan bank and let us sell it. If it's textures you're after then that's what the clan bank is for. XD
Last edited by buyakia; Jan 11, 2009 at 08:01 PM.
SFST Sub Leader and now the SFST Shop keeper.
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ooo good idea haha ... i mean i have most textures... i just really wanted some textured trails
cuz other than that im pretty happy with my look... so i mean like if it went to the bank what would happen with teh tcs?
and like would u let me do that...
idk its up to u
let me know and ill take them outta my store and sent them to u
avatar:DENZEL FAISON, animation: Samule
Well the tcs will be thrown into the clan's bank and then we will have some tc give aways and then you could get your texture trails that way. You can send them anytime you want and I'll throw them up in the clan shop.
SFST Sub Leader and now the SFST Shop keeper.
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hrmmmmmm couldnt like u sell them in the clan shop and then like for as much as theyre sold for like a percentage goes to the clan and the rest to me ?
avatar:DENZEL FAISON, animation: Samule
Ask buya on that one. I may run the shop but tc flow his what he's inchange of.
Last edited by kjhg53; Jan 12, 2009 at 03:59 AM.
SFST Sub Leader and now the SFST Shop keeper.
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what limeguy is trying to politly say, can you sell my items and give me most of the tcs? i dont think that works this way seeing as i donated a lot of good items and im not expecting any tc i say u stick with the idea of having ur own shop if u want it to work that way.
Masterj05h Shop So cheap id have to be stupid to sell it like this... wait a seco-
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ha ok thx for the advice

ill donate when i got some spare tcs
avatar:DENZEL FAISON, animation: Samule