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[IMG]*WORKING*Toribash Commersial attempt!
Heyy there, I'm atm working on my first toribash picture. Earlier the most ive done for toribash is basicly a head all done in paint. Pretty... basic... Yeah, anyways, please rate it, tell me what to improve and what to add! I can't do everything, i'm not exactly a pro on photoshop yet. But this is mainly for practise, and i'm gonna try to do everything you say that i think is a good idea! By the way i know the dudes look kinda bad now (they're just taken randomly from google) but im hoping it'll look better when i get some shadows on them.
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Tha BAWZ need no introduction!
lots of stuff going on there...
<Crooked> I'd say spartan, cause if he's tough enough to digest ungodly amounts of alcohol he clearly has the best body
imo, this would give people the wrong idea, and lead them to believe that toribash is more complex, then it is :P
Former Item Forger
yeah i guess thats true... but still, it's good practise making complex stuff as this :P here's finnished pic if you dont get any bright ideas:
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Tha BAWZ need no introduction!
its actually not that complex and it looks kinda crappy ._.
im sorry but its the truth.
theres way too much stuff going on and the background just distracts me...
and the tori's are poorly blended in too
Originally Posted by JamZam View Post
yeah well brain... do you use photoshop?

i could but i dont, i like making 3D stuff more these days
Are you seriously making this with the goal of a commercial in mind?

because an advertisement would require a significantly better quality than this.
Seeing that Toribash is more of a 'soft' type of game (shaders, etc...) the commercial should be softer too. Take a look at the main site for instance, that's the style that fits toribash most, atleast, in my opinion that is.

It's not that bad though, aside from the horrible colors, it's a meh.
oh well lets not say that i made it in commersial goal. I made it for my practise, and i didnt know what else to call it but a commersial pic.
Tha BAWZ need no introduction!