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Clan Suggestions? Post here!
Okay so I have some clan/guild management skills in several other games =) so here are my suggestions...
  • If people want to apply, have them make a new thread so its easier to monitor and easy to navigate rather than just one thread with 8 pages. (makes you guys look active!)
  • Make a stickied thread called "Death Reaper Replay Thread". (just a fun suggestion)
  • Use proper capitalization/punctuation on stickied/official threads (atleast the first post so people get a good clean feeling about the clan)
  • Hold contests such as a replay contest? Maybe offer like 200 tc to the winner? (its cheap and promotes activity)
  • Have set goals every day such as each person should try to hire one person every day (i'm workin on this lol already)
  • Everyone advertise for Death Reapers in your forum signature! ^_^
I'm not a pro at this game but thats what I got to offer so far. Post your suggestions below.

PS: Maybe someone could design a texture for the clan that everyone could wear? (like those facial textures you see? sorry i'm new lol)
Originally Posted by LadyDEATH View Post
Okay so I have some clan/guild management skills in several other games =) so here are my suggestions...
  • [1]If people want to apply, have them make a new thread so its easier to monitor and easy to navigate rather than just one thread with 8 pages. (makes you guys look active!)
    [2]Make a stickied thread called "Death Reaper Replay Thread". (just a fun suggestion)
    [3]Use proper capitalization/punctuation on stickied/official threads (atleast the first post so people get a good clean feeling about the clan)
    [4]Hold contests such as a replay contest? Maybe offer like 200 tc to the winner? (its cheap and promotes activity)
    [5]Have set goals every day such as each person should try to hire one person every day (i'm workin on this lol already)
    [6]Everyone advertise for Death Reapers in your forum signature! ^_^
I'm not a pro at this game but thats what I got to offer so far. Post your suggestions below.

PS: Maybe someone could design a texture for the clan that everyone could wear? (like those facial textures you see? sorry i'm new lol)

1: did it
2: maybey.... but why not just a normal thread about YOUR replays or a specific type of replay? i try not to sticky unless i have to.
3: point them out to me. ill change them ASAP. i think i got some of them allready
4: Great idea! just post a new thread. ill even compete. (its just i cant personally do something like that because ive got like 41 TC total)
5: hmm...it great if you do it but i dont know about the others. trying to hiher people dosent benefit the clan as much as doind something like getting someone a teacher/apprentice or starting a clan server. we need GOOD members not just memebers. quality is just as important as quantity
6. did it. did you?

well great suggestions overal deathlady, i guess ill have to accept you in the clan then... if you keep it up, ill promot you to a sage(if you dont know what it is, its in the ranks sticky). consider it and PM me back.
- its been a while
yep, another suggestion: DeathReapers Art Board (Stickied ofc) for the clan artists (like myself.) Also, i could have a go at the whole "clan Texture" thing if you want, pm me blkk if you do.
sure why not? make the thread and if its doing well, ill sticky it. but like i said before, these things dont have to be stickied.

your allready a sage, so you dont really have to try to be a voidcaster. but if you want... who's goign to stop you
- its been a while
I'd be happy with just a cool head texture, I know applying them is hella expensive, but maybe have a universal head texture for the death reapers that comes in different colors =)
yep could do that, just make sure to post it in the art thread so i dont forget
and try to come up with some ideas though, working from nothing is hard
no ligos i like it.... when toricalns is up, ill put that pic as our homepage thingy.

just improve it. add like red text on top saying Death Reapers (make sure its really bloody). and also like do cool stuff to the borders (like blur the edges and swirl)
- its been a while
I have this bloodsplatter paintbrush set, along with some tribal I can trick out the words "Death Reapers"? I am pretty sure that one that ligos posted was from a video game?
(Hive people only, haha!)