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My multiplayer/wushu replays
Two highlights of my fights in Blackbelt Wushu, the best room there is
The first one is a move I use quite often, and it's quite hard to accomplish since it requires three turns and the position of the opponent must be just right, but sometimes it works as planned

On the second, the start was quite noobish for me and thus turned a bit random, but luckily I managed to dance my way to quite nice punch and an epic stance in the end :P

This is my first replay post, so please, hard critique is needed
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spinkick_doublehit.rpl (52.0 KB, 76 views)
randomness2lightning.rpl (43.8 KB, 59 views)
Your spinkick impressed me. Nice!

For the second one, play around with that opener. Especially the chest, pecs, elbows, glutes, knees and both hips (or just play around with all the joints lol). I made quite a few openers just by changing the second turn a bit, and they were quite decent.

Great to see people coming up with openers for wushu (and doing comebacks)! I was getting sick of people who copied off toriwiki and other people, and then do a hit and run... I'll keep an eye out for you so we can play mp wushu eh?
[A L P H A]
now thats what i call a wushu fight. great moves especially the spinkick. keep it up!

@schecz: here is my personal variation (i think) of this opener (sad fact i moved uke but i wanted you to notice the power of this kick):
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000move schecz.rpl (46.6 KB, 48 views)
Talk your shit, be yourself
play the cards that you've been dealt. -E-Dubble

Hxcbbqimo: you're german
Hxcbbqimo: so you don't count
Nice replays Kesman, Im liking the increase of MP wushu replays on the forums

@Shockwave, I dont think that kick would work ingame though...
Organisation of Awesome: Member.
Originally Posted by scheczudio View Post
Your spinkick impressed me. Nice!

Great to see people coming up with openers for wushu (and doing comebacks)! I was getting sick of people who copied off toriwiki and other people, and then do a hit and run... I'll keep an eye out for you so we can play mp wushu eh?

Thanks a lot dude!
This is what happens when I miss the spinkick, happens a lot =D The spinning just goes on and on, most of the time I end up breaking a joint when accidentally kicking the ground or something like that.
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spinny.rpl (57.4 KB, 30 views)
It's beautiful to see new players coming to wushu and posting their stuff.
I like your style: you make your own openers, instead of copycatting, and you make complex-3 turns openers (thing which is kinda rare) then you are able to improvise when u miss something.
Just relax more and post new stuff
Originally Posted by Kesman View Post
Thanks a lot dude!
This is what happens when I miss the spinkick, happens a lot =D The spinning just goes on and on, most of the time I end up breaking a joint when accidentally kicking the ground or something like that.

Now I like that
Keep that up and you'll be the new *insert a legendary wushu master here*!
[A L P H A]
Here's more
So there's a couple more with a "new" opener, the one with 0815Rocker from [alpha] was the coolest fight I've ever had, thanks for that It's in the beating.rpl.

The other one was a lucker by me, usually when I grab someone like that, I'm the on splitting or breaking like that

The replays are from 3.5, so I hope they work on 3.7 too...
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beating.rpl (93.5 KB, 22 views)
kewl.rpl (24.6 KB, 15 views)
Nice replays kesman I can't give you advice because I would just be insulting my gameplay
Last edited by Muffindo; Mar 11, 2009 at 04:41 PM.
wow so sick i cant help but post one of my favorite wushu replays(not mine)
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cool.rpl (30.0 KB, 19 views)
im dead