Original Post
The OLDA internet.
Before we became official, we had a discussion similar to what this thread is intended to be.

Being that we are all older than most on the forums, we probably remember what the internet was like before high speed internets, firefox, or myspace. This thread is meant to give you an outlet for your memories.

Basically, post here any websites you may find that have, for some reason, gone relatively unchanged for the past however many years, or even just any rambelings you have about how the internet "used to be" back when we all had to walk 15 miles uphill in the snow just to access a PC with a 56k modem.

To assist us in our exploration, some genius, or group there of, invented this website. http://www.archive.org/index.php I am not sure how far back it go's, but its a damn cool utility.

O.k., show us the OLDA internet!
Organisation of Awesome: Member.
I will start. This is a bad example, but when I first had access to the internet people in America who weren't computer savvy pretty much only had a few options. The most popular was America Online, or AOL.

When I was about 13 or 14 my dad got AOL (by this time they had recently stopped charging per-minute) and this was sort of my first intro to the internets. My only other experiance was one time I stayed over at my aunts house and my cousin showed me how if you typed "nude" into the search engine you could see naked girls (though it was also on AOL and we tried using the "keyword" function, we saw no boobs.)

Anyways, soon enough, after making my screen name (someonepointless) on AOL I got bored, I eventually discovered Progz, Toolz, and Punterz. Looking back, its amazing how much these things made me like the internet. Finally, I could have some fun.

Here is a website that apparently still has some for download. http://members.tripod.com/~cbhackzz/index.htm Granted, I never used these particular programs, but they are there and its the best example I could find of what I mean.

If you're completely lost here is a rundown.

Progz: As far as I know this is a general term, meaning any program made with AOL "hacking" in mind. A prog is like a suit, A good one contained Macros, Mass mailers, Chatroom games, Pinters, and Punters.

Toolz: From what I can remember, Toolz were similar to Progz, but somehow more advanced.

Punter: A Punter was (I'm guessing) a script of sorts. At the time the fastest modems were 56k, and those were leet. With those circumstances, doing something simple like receiving an IM was much more intensive than it is today. What a punter did was send someone IMs so fast that there modem couldn't keep up, this always resulted in the person losing there internet connection. So if someone pissed you off, you kicked them off of the internet. It was a blast.

O.k., my my buzz is drooping, so that's all for now.
Organisation of Awesome: Member.
Lol, i remeber those 'Punters'.
Im actually not THAT old but back then, at school, we had an internet-'group' or club, no idea how this is called in english. It was every second saturday and you could just come there and go into the internet there. Jeah you heared right, we just could use the internet connection of the school, how cool is that? I mainly chatted on yahoo and giga back then, that was ubercool.
About a year later we got inetrenet at home as well. AT HOME! Thats the friggin future.
<Balrog> Sorry

On-links are bad
OLDA are good
This is where I feel really old, and geeky.

Back when I 1st encountered the 'internet' it was all private servers & BBS sites that you dialled directly into. All that on a 9kbps modem. XD

Shortly after that the UK got real internet... K, so maybe not real - it was AOL & Compuserve. Both required an international call to the US, and it was sloooooow.

When we eventually got dedicated UK service providers they pretty much sucked. The data rates were awful & they locked out many features like FTP & 99% of all ports.

When I hit college British Telecom released a service called Wireplay - it let you play IPX games online, had a cool community & generally pwned. Granted you couldn't surf the web via the service, but who cared?

I got a sponsorship off BT for playing Duke Nukem 3D & they paid for all my phonebills so long as I played. The service died when they sold it to another ISP.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
lol i was 12 when i was abducted by the www!

28k dial up modem, epic phonebills (when i cant get an hacked line..), and the first napster.. 5 hours for a song ... but i never played online before quake 2...

lol, you guys are OLD school! I remember Duke Nukem, and Napster, aahh, memories
Organisation of Awesome: Member.