Original Post
Troibash joke (i was board)
i basicly just did this because i was board and i wanted to try out "emote" in replay editing

the jokes kind of corny
turn the camera so red is on the left, other wise you can't really see what he says...
Re: Troibash joke (i was board)
Your here making corny jokes while Imsku and I are fighting Torigod?!
<Hector|Bday> for 3k tc
<Hector|Bday> I sold a photo of shit
Re: Troibash joke (i was board)
XD... that was pretty funny.
lame joke, but a funny punchline
5:13 PM - vasp: everybody's nuts is so good
[00:18:38] <&vespesi3n> you should see when i swallow
[21:49:37] <&vespesi3n> >my mouth when
[21:49:43] <&vespesi3n> >my tastebuds when
Re: Troibash joke (i was board)
*pulls out toaster*

The league, poptart, the league...
[12:23] <Drugade> hello
[12:24] <Drugade> i have paid over my phone but i become my tc not!!!
Re: Troibash joke (i was board)
Too late now. You should check the toribash clan league board for the server address. The league is every damn weekend at this same time.

Also, funny joke.
[12:23] <Drugade> hello
[12:24] <Drugade> i have paid over my phone but i become my tc not!!!
Re: Troibash joke (i was board)
only imsku fought, deadork lost.
i wanted a match...

<Ownzilas> Alright
<Ownzilas> 3'2 then
<Ownzilas> Half PID's dick.