Original Post
Recruitment and You
If there has ever been any one thing I've prided in a person, it's personality. I don't care if any of you are good at Toribash, seriously. If you're dicking about and making enemies the whole time, it doesn't look good at all.

That being said, many of the old members have since moved on, and many new and unfamiliar members are here now. The plans I set into motion have since halted, and now they are going to be reinstated.

When recruiting, look for nice, helpful members. Preferably, those who speak well and put thought into what they say and do. They are statistically more likely to be an asset to the clan itself rather than their own stats. On the other hand, I don't care how good a player may be, or who's best friend he/she is, if they don't have a good personality, I won't admit them.

This is the reason I admitted KPenguin. I'm sure he'll be of use to us in the future, he carries himself well, and I have not seen anything I dislike from him. Take some notes, there's going to be a quiz later.
ManBreakfast maybe sometime you could have a server for those who wish to join the clan? So you can meet them firsthand instead of just on forums where they can act polite just for this.
He probably checks their post history, just like in the old days. It gives you a pretty accurate impression of the person in question. Besides, they could act polite just for this on the server as well.

[/invade] D:
[12:23] <Drugade> hello
[12:24] <Drugade> i have paid over my phone but i become my tc not!!!
I'm totoaly in for making a recruitment server.

I fully understand the personallity thing MBK. That's how Hebrew rolled...

I have a full understanding of What should be found in a player.

Wich leads me to the Warbanana Ordiel. While Warbanana may have been a HUGE jerk before. He seems to have shaped up...BIG time. I've been playing with him, and talknig to him. And he's developed a great personality. He aslo appoligized for all of his wrong doing in the Discussion forum.

Also, ManBreakfast, I'd love to get to know you. How cna I contact you, Email
Originally Posted by Cinamintz View Post

I fully understand the personallity thing MBK. That's how Hebrew rolled...

I have a full understanding of What should be found in a player.

"What should be found in a player." Don't kno Cina but before (when Hebrew was here) and I speak with him about your tester permission at the first time you tested someone you wasn't that safe at all. Glad to know youre safer nao.

Well, my missunderstanding of Testing, and Recruiting being diferent wasn't unsafe...

I know that I need to find a player that over all seems to have a good past as well, and isn't sucking up to me.

I don't know what Should be found in a player, but what I find in players is...

1: Good Style
2: Good Personality
3: Good Sportsmanship
4: Good Attitude
5: Good Ideas

Those are the five "G"s I look for in people when Testing.

And I would find it fitting into what MBK said about what SHOULD be found in a player.
Torii, I'd say he doesn't have toribash installed anymore
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