Original Post
Promo-Team Sparring Tournament

Two Flame Trails
Vulcan Force


Extra Achievements:
Winning a match: 1k
Win with NO grabbing and walk to center: 5k
Best Spar Award: 20k

This is a sparring tournament. The mode will be altar.tbm only. This tournament will hold 40 people. Infinitely many people may register though, but they will be substitutes for people who do not show up. There is no belt limit.

Rules of Sparring:
Mod: altar.tbm
Matchframes: 800
Turnframes: 20
Disqualification: ON
Dismemberment: ON
Dismember Threshold: 650
Engage Distance: 600
Gravity: -30

Each of the participants, once finalized, will be paired with an opponent for the first round of play based on time zones. The result will of this will place you in two brackets. (The winners and losers will be paired up. i.e. If you win, you fight a loser, if you lose, you will fight a winner) From there we will pair opponents up until we have one remaining in either bracket, and they will play for winrar.

**In order for a match to count, you must have either me, Mosier, or any promo-team member present in the server at the time of victory**

To register for this tournament:
Time zone:

You may send this to me in post or PM format.

Registered Participants:
1. Rayclovis - GMT-8
2. Rott - GMT-8
3. Eckz - GMT-5
4. Cindermomo - GMT-8
5. Deadkenny - GMT+1
6. Phail - GMT+10
7. Gubbin1 - GMT -7
8. FeDeRiGoR - GMT+10
9. Andrstar - GMT+3
10. TIcux - GMT+3
11. Geast - GMT+8
12. Markmad - GMT+3
13. DjBes - GMT+2
14. Engraze - GMT+4
15. Ishi - GMT -8
16. leilak - GMT+1
17. Verax - GMT + 1
18. Couzo - GMT -2
19. DeadUke - GMT +3
20. Kakashi11 - GMT +5
21. Nargama - GMT +1
22. Shin-Ryuu - GMT +1
23. Kips - GMT -5
24. Leyz - GMT +5
25. Nikelaos - GMT +0
26. Cyclone3 - GMT -5
27. MaDWoozie - GMT +1
28. Fargle - GMT +12
29. Stupinator - GMT -8
30. HomerDawkins - GMT -5
31. Killpiu - GMT -3
32. SgtBeans - GMT -5
33. Giantz- GMT -5
34. Carrotking - GMT +8
35. Hidingwarior - GMT -6
36. 0X0 - GMT +5
37. Ern - GMT +0
38. Amilir - GMT -5
39. Gamerbad - GMT +1
40. OrAclE - GMT -6

Round 1
RayClovis vs. Rott
Cindermomo vs. Stupinator
Ishi vs. Gubbin1
Eckz vs. Kips
Cyclone3 vs. HomerDawkins
SgtBeans vs. Giantz
Amilir vs. Killpiu
DeadKenny vs. Leilak
Verax vs. Nargama
Shin-Ryuu vs. MaDWoozie
gamerbad vs. DjBes
Phail vs. Federigor

Andrstar vs. TIcux
Markmad vs. Deaduke
Geast vs. carrotking

Engraze vs. 0X0
Couzo vs. Fargle
Kakashi11 vs. Leyz
Nikelaos vs. Ern
Hidingwarior vs. Oracle
Kickass vs. Toriboomer
0815Rocker vs. Warrior56
Aerox21 vs. Markmad


Round 2a
Engraze vs. Kakashi11
RayClovis vs. Kips
Stupinator vs. 0X0
MaDWoozie vs. Deadkenny
Ishi vs. Leyz
Gubbin1 vs. Rott

Eckz vs. Cyclone3
HomerDawkins vs. Nargama

Round 2b
SgtBeans vs. Shin-Ryuu
Giantz vs. Couzo
Cindermomo vs. Amalir
Killpiu vs. Hidingwarior
Leilak vs. Verax
TIcux vs. Fargle
Andrstar vs. Ern
Nikelaos vs. Oracle
Kickass vs. 0815Rocker

Round 3a
Rayclovis vs. cyclone3
MaDWoozie vs. 0X0
HomerDawkins vs. Oracle
leyz vs. FeDeRiGoR

Round 3b
SgtBeans vs. Couzo
Amalir vs. killpiu
leilak vs. TIcux
Andrstar vs. 0815Rocker


Round 4a
Cyclone3 vs. Oracle
Leyz vs. 0X0

Round 4b
Killpiu vs. Couzo
0815Rocker vs. TIcux


Round 5a
Cyclone3 vs. 0X0

Round 5b
Killpiu vs. TIcux


Round 6
Cyclone3 vs. TIcux

Any questions, ask freely.

Last edited by BlakNWyte; May 24, 2009 at 09:13 PM.
I'm so in this. Sign me up for Spot 2
GMT -8

<Phail> Everyone knows GMs can combust your videocard temporarily
<decimat0r1> let those bitches try
Name: Gubbin1
Time zone: -7
imma whup this tournies ass.
^garblejfidlssja beflijfdsl baeufkh dsjlinuefjdsl