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a multi weapon mod?
i wanted to ask if there is (planed) a mod in which you can choose your favourite weapon. Not that both players have the same weapons but may that i like the hammer more and my friend prefers double swords, that i use the hammer and my friend the swords...
would be great

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Last edited by Blam; Mar 10, 2009 at 11:03 PM.
i think it is possible, but you would need to make a text file with each weapon, and for both people, but have them commented out, with the weapon name above, also commented out. to choose your weapon, you would need to go through and un comment the weapons you want. quite simple, but would take a while.

good idea though ^^
that would be epic. How bout a twin sword vs. pistol?

or swords/pistols on your feet?
well, if a modder spliced all the mods, with the classic mod, then commeneted out all the weapons/alterations then you would get a mod where you can chose the weapon. if the modder is really fancy, he could make it so you could have zweihandler in one hand, pistol in other