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[DSC] Future modding abilities?
This is IRC, a few mins ago: (i cut out some of the useless parts), dialoge mostly between me and hampa (with random obscene ubtrusions by cevius)

<blkk> hampa: is there any chance of having the current mod system updated, so we can do more stuff with mods?
<Cevius[Werk]> swoooooooooooom
<~hampa> blkk: yes
<blkk> holy shit really?
<@SlainVeteran> 2v2?
<blkk> hampa: what kind of things?
<blkk> more flags?
<blkk> <blkk> how about a flag that makes something do-no-damage?
<~hampa> blkk: at least scriptable objects, and objects with winning/loosing coditions
<~hampa> touch this object -> win
<~hampa> if theese two objects touch -> win
<blkk> holy shit
<@Cevius[Werk]> awesome
<blkk> i was thinking of this
<@Cevius[Werk]> so many new modes to come out fo that
<blkk> this is the main point of mod triggers
<blkk> ZOMG
<@Cevius[Werk]> working soccer/basketball for one
<blkk> im spazzzing out
<@SlainVeteran> Cevius[Werk]: sex mod?
<blkk> so many possibnliteis
<blkk> if groin touch groin== uke win. RAPE MOD
<@ManBreakfast> would there then be an 'if this object is touched/touches this other object -> object C disappears/begins to move/appears/etc' ?
<blkk> i dont think so
<blkk> mayby later
<@ManBreakfast> :(
<blkk> thats the enventaul goal though
<~hampa> perhaps
<blkk> holy shit really?
<blkk> OMG
<blkk> OMG
<blkk> im like crying with happyness
<Aspire> hi all
<blkk> when is it gunna be out?
^^ He hasn’t answered that question yet, but he defenitly is thinking about it. Please discuss.

Hampa mentioned on how the current modding system will be updated so that better and more complex mods are made. Most likely this will be limited to DQ or endgame commands (uke/object touches this object, he gets DQed, game ends). However, he also said that mod triggers could be possible.

This means that a much more mods can be made. Actual sports mods that have complicated objectives. (If soccer ball hits goal 1, player 0 wins, if soccer ball hits goal 0, player 1 wins.)
Last edited by blkk; Mar 21, 2009 at 04:55 AM.
- its been a while
Yup, I support on mod triggers and stuffs. And Cevius killed the conversation at the beginning O.o But hey good luck on making this happen. Im looking forward to the rape mod
[T] | ORMO
[20:18] <@Cevius> Like semen?
illesidus was talking to hampa about something like that. im not really sure, but it had to do with programming 4 player. they were talking how damage is taken/given.
- its been a while
Originally Posted by Markmad View Post
Hm its boring in single. Mp 4 players fights will be awersome for teamplay.

yeah ^_^.I wait for 4 player fights in multiplayer in toribash 4.0 ^_^
Wow. That would be cool.

Originally Posted by P3z View Post
yeah ^_^.I wait for 4 player fights in multiplayer in toribash 4.0 ^_^

Um, 4 player is awesome in singleplayer. You just need to know how.
<~hampa> blkk: at least scriptable objects, and objects with winning/loosing coditions
<~hampa> touch this object -> win
<~hampa> if theese two objects touch -> win

My Drooling started here.
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