Original Post
[Sell] Some head textures

Here i sell some Headtextures

price: 2000 tc

price: 300 tc

price: 500 tc

price: 1000 tc

price: 1000 tc

price: 700 tc

price: 700 tc

some new wil come soon

If youre intrested write it here or write me a pm.

And pls write what you think about my heads because im in this business a few days and i need your opinions about these heads!

Sold ones!

Last edited by Livris; Apr 2, 2009 at 10:15 PM.
But i dont think that its gonna be easy^^

okay heres your head voltage but i think it looks a bit too "friendly". If you dont like it ill make a new
Last edited by hanz0; Mar 27, 2009 at 04:08 PM.
Hey dude a little tip, the background for the heads are pretty cool, but you're just wasting them with those faces, try to make realistic faces, look at some anime eye drawing tutorials(google it), or use visors(the things that are usually on robots), +Rep me if i helped
Yeah, i'm the Boxman
<~ishi> damnit ishi where are you.