Original Post
A couple o? new records!
Recently, two very impressive records have been made. These two records happen to be the fastest total dismemberment and fastest flawless total dismemberment, both at Engage Distance 75. To clarify a little, a total dismemberment is a replay in which every single joint in Ukes body is broken. Usually, this takes a fairly high amount [...]

The second link, the one linking to War_Hero's flawless total dismemberment record post, seems to be broken. It looks like the thing thought it was too long and used and ellipsis to shorten it, making the link unusable.
Last edited by Phoenix; Mar 29, 2009 at 02:46 PM.
The fastest total dismemberment was officially held by me before beznick (it was in the book of records), at 179 frames and kageton's record was 382 frames but I'm nitpicking. Sweet article Shook.