Original Post
Ikariam [Browsergame of the year 08&09]
Hey, do you know the ultimate browsergame? (imo)


I play it alot, but im not so good at it, well its a pretty nice game, i like it , why dont you try it out?
Used to play this alot. Had like 4 cities and I wsa pretty good. THen it got boring :P

Eventually it takes like 2 days just to build something. Im sure those of you that play it will understand what i mean.
Originally Posted by Ishi View Post

stop being lazy and read about the game yourself.

Not my kind of game, but its pretty well made

Lazy is what i am,You can't change it.

Also,I might check this game out,Looks pretty cool :3

[Auction].::Full Demo Set::.
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