Original Post
Challenge me!
Ok everybody,
this is the event of teh year for me.
You only can partcipate if you have more than 20 000 credits.
What do you need to do?
Well i'm looking for a reg key, but i have to many troubles wth buying it
so i want to fight somebody and if i win that person, he'll buy a key for me.
If i lose i'll be your slave.

The fight will be in classic demo server

Challenge mee please.
Re: Challenge me!
This topic will go phaily phaily!
User was infracted for this signature. (Useless signature)
Re: Challenge me!
Faily enough to be Hall of Shame..

Don't need to do such blatantly weird things...

Not to mention failure in the grammar department...
Squad Squad Squad lead?
The standardization of Toribash Squad roles may have gone too far!