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marijuana - discussion
ok, im kinda tired of seeing posts of misinformed people dishing out what they think are facts against weed.. im not trying to endorse it or promote it, but i would like to at least educate people on it, with states considering legalizing it and all that fun stuff.. this is not just for the forums tho, also for all those who may happen upon this thread of wisdom!

ok so ill lay down some knowledge i have gained through experience..

-most people i now say they play games better high, i get worse tho :/
-loss of control? never.. i am always conscious of what i do while im high
-loss of memory? yes, -BUT- its not like i dont remember what i do, i just dont remember what was said, such as jokes, random discussion, trying to define life (which is really fun when with a group), and playing that circle thing from that 70's show
-things are better? indeed, bad movies become great, great movies become amazing, some of my favorites to watch are Tron, Robocops, spy kids 3d xp, wizard of oz, any movie with asians doing cool stuff
-here is a big thing, suicide, i myself have never had suicidal thoughts while high
-first time i tried weed i didnt feel it, but got crazy cottonmouth (thats when you mouth feels like its not making any saliva)

now some facts i think are true or are sure :/
-i heard on some tv show about pot in america that marijuana is the leading cash crop (not sure)
- yes the smoke is bad, but harmful components can be easily filtered with use of a bong or vaporizer..
-the amount of stuff filter while using a bong depends on the size of bubbles the bong makes (smaller the better) and how many chambers it has (more the better)
-there are ways to get THC with out smoking, such as foods (astro brownies, cake, and my friend said he ate a pizza with it in there, i dont believe him tho :/) there are also chapsticks and i believe gum ad patches, not sure about those tho..
-the human brain has receptors or something like that made specifically to take THC
-the plant can be used for more than just smoking such as making hemp, paper, food, and some other stuff i cant think of..

well if you agree, have questions, or know that one of my statements are wrong feel free to correct me

also potheads out there share you knowledge and experience!

Marijuana, though most people think it's extremely bad for, like worse than alcohol etc, it's actually not. It does far less damage than alcohol, but different people do recieve different effects from it.
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'm just sad that I can't give myself one
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'd have a great time
Well after last night where I had too many cones and a blunt, I had to work today and I felt like the dopiest piece of shit ever.

Yeah it makes you feel dopy.
It makes you feel dopy.
Alcohol makes you feel sick, dizzy, hazy, depressed and a whole load of other stuff

[19:39] <Birdflu> I'm just sad that I can't give myself one
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'd have a great time
Well for me, it slows my thought down, thus making me very dopey. On the plus side it's better than cacaine
You clearly doubt the fathoms of fuck I do not give.
Well, yes. It's better than most drugs. But still, whatever the pot-smokers around here says, it's not good. Addictions are awful in general. Also, getting habits of saying "It's fine" can lead you to further and worse drugs. Pot-smokers will speak against this as well, and say alcohol does just the same. I have never said anything about alcohol, so don't bother.

Also, as a final statement: If it's illegal or/and expensive, stay off it.
Originally Posted by Marcoyeh View Post

Marijuana, though most people think it's extremely bad for, like worse than alcohol etc, it's actually not. It does far less damage than alcohol, but different people do recieve different effects from it.

yeah, its way better than alcohol, only reason its illegal is because the government cant tax it
one time i had a hair deep in my urethra and when i pulled it out it felt kinda good ~fudgiebalz 2020

<~Skul> they're not children, they're demon midgets
<~Skul> if you kill one in front of the rest, they'll scatter and leave
ok, yes its illegal (for now), yes it can be expensive..
but about that dopey feeling, i been trying to find a word for that feeling for a while now

anyways, me and some friends chilled all night last night, we got high.. and all we did was play WoW, halo3, skate2 and cod4 all night made the fattest pbj's ever, and played basketball and skated..and now im dopey :/

weed is a great ice breaker tho, made a couple new friends last night
Originally Posted by aslask View Post
Well, yes. It's better than most drugs. But still, whatever the pot-smokers around here says, it's not good. Addictions are awful in general. Also, getting habits of saying "It's fine" can lead you to further and worse drugs. Pot-smokers will speak against this as well, and say alcohol does just the same. I have never said anything about alcohol, so don't bother.

Also, as a final statement: If it's illegal or/and expensive, stay off it.

Well, it is expensive because it is illegal. If it was legalized and was able to be produced in larger quantities by real farmers rather than by some high school student in his/her closet, it would be much cheaper. It is basic supply and demand bro.

And it's not like everyone who smokes is automatically addicted bro. These arent cigs. And it isnt like everyone who starts on weed will go to harder drugs. I dont plan on doing heroin anytime soon even if I think weed is fine.
You shouldnt look at drugs in black and white like that. It isnt like if you smoke once, you will automatically be addicted to cocaine and meth and will be a drugged up loser for the rest of your life.
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