Original Post
500k The Biggest Toribash Hixman lotto
Yes, it is true, that you see the lotto with the prize 500 000 tc.
And... I know poeple, who will say, Yes, 500k lotto and 1 ticket cost 10k, i won't buy anyone
But there, one ticket cost 500tc. Yes, yes, only 500tc, so you can buy a lots of tickets (how much you want).

So, there were be only one winner, who will get all money.

there are 1400 tickets.


If you buy:

50 tickets - you will get 5 tickets for free 10%
100 tickets - you will get 10 tickets for free 10%
200 tickets - you will get 25 tickets for free 12.5%
250 tickets - you will get 45 tickets for free 18%
500 tickets - you will get 100 tickets for free 20% !!!

800 tickets - you will get 320 tickets freeeee!!!! ( 40% )
All money form tickets, please send only to HixBigBank.

And now, please write post like(and you dont choose the number):

Originally Posted by NAME
I wont to buy 30 tickets, ( 1 - 30)
So list:
NAME ( 1-30)

(1-30) means, that you buy tickets 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,...30
and next person will write:

Originally Posted by NAME2
50 tickets, and 5 free, . tc sended.
NAME (1-30)
NAME2 (31-85)

and next person will write
for example somethink like this
Originally Posted by NAME3
X tickets, please, so Y for free,

actual list:
NAME (1-30)
NAME2 (31-85)
NAME3 (86-( 85 + X + Y ))

ok, so in each post must be actual list, ok?

Draw will be when i sell all tickets

Actual list:

Ih all tickets, will be not sold at 2 month or one moth ( i dont know now) i will end a lottery with lower prize ( depends on how much ticket will be bought).

if there were be tc at + i will change up the prize
Last edited by hixman; May 26, 2009 at 05:10 PM.
Sold: 361 000 TC
there arent free tickets for first poist, but for boughted tickets. You have 500tc, come on Guys!!!
Sold: 361 000 TC
Originally Posted by hixman View Post

Draw will be when i sell all tickets

1400 tickets at 500tc/each. So you'll be MAKING 200k off of this.

Also, if 50 people enter (a high number for a lottery), they will each have to buy 28 tickets. Which is 14k in tickets...

This event isn't very well thought out... maybe you should consider actually putting up some of your own TC as a prize, instead of making contestants not only pay each other the prizes, but pay you an additional 200k as well...
Last edited by Brainstorm; May 25, 2009 at 10:37 PM.
... oh, normal mathematick, guy. The maximum extra free tickets percent(%) is 40. So, there should be maby 1000 tickets + 40% form 1000 so 1400
Sold: 361 000 TC
yes, but if I want that maximum extra ticket percentage, I have to buy 500 tickets... and that's 250,000tc in tickets.

If I only buy 40 tickets (20,000tc) I don't get any bonus.