Original Post
How to get good Reputation
In this little tutorial I will show you the easiest way(s) to get good Reputation!
This includes the do's and don'ts.

1.Be liked and respected!
^This tutorial should be followed for general fame.^
It contains everything my tutorial bases on.
Thanks to BirdFlu for allowing me to implement it.


In specific boards you should stay serious.Like in Discussion.
Any "for teh lulz" based comments will give you bad rep.
Start a serious discussion about any recent news.
Make sure you keep the thread you made alive.Check the thread constantly.

Helping will give you good reputation,for sure.
A good spot to help is the Support-board.Also Beginners sanctuary.
Make sure your posts are really helpful and not like: "ololol ask an admin"
Backseat-moderating IS NO HELP.
The Admins are not incompetent,they can handle the stuff alone.

Hosting Events with high prices or a good concept will help you to get good rep.
As long as you entertain the people...
If the event is boring,haters gonna hate.
Make sure the layout of the thread is good looking and you dont overdo smilies.

If you are good in anything,make a tutorial.
This will give you more +reps than you can imagine.
But please make sure its helpful.
Things like scripts to deactivate all Youshop items are very useful.
Tutorials like: "How to drink water" are disliked!
Make sure your Tutorials belongs in here.
Also,keep updating your tutorial if the topic allows to.

Begging for reps and/or other stuff is the worst thing you can do.
It will give you more bad reputations than you can handle.
Your box will turn red and you'll be raging.
If you rage,you'll post stupid things and get more negative reps.

If you follow all of these steps, your rep should soar up.

I hope this tutorial was helpful.
All typos will be fixed asap :p

I will update this thread soon.

Last edited by derbomber; May 22, 2010 at 06:57 PM.
Very nice tutorial, but it's more like guidelines. But whatever, it's useful and it's worth a +rep.
[Sigma] [ORMO] [OLDA] [OSHI] [a]lly
Yeah. It's nice and pretty useful FAQ. It's worth that +rep that i'll gain you.
|Windows Belt 10| |Damned Leader| |Ex-GameKeeper-2010| |RUTori| |Á¸² ÅùÁ|
|Ex-ClanSquad-2018| |20% Cooler than you| |1st nick - Major|

Seems like the biggest 3 arent on there;

X. Get friends to rep you bulk.
Y. Post something in tutorials that is common knowledge or that has been reposted 9001 times.
Z. Post something that is heavily hyped.

That pretty much covers how everyone who currently has high rep got theirs.

Otherwise you will have to follow the usual way and just make decent contributions, hard work yo.
you can also get reputation in another way <.<

being an ass xO

good tutorial btw ^^
It's Mr.AkumaBeast for you! oh and...
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