Original Post
Returning from a long hiatus
I just wanna say that i love this community. I haven't been here in 10 years, and after coming back to both the game and the forums i can say i'm not disappointed. I also wanna thank the mods for not deleting my profile after all these years.
I remember when i had to literally scour the internet for physics based games, always finding some subpar flash game, or shady link to a download, but then i stumbled on this game out of nowhere on some random flashgame site. I was skeptical of the link provided it, but it brought me here. After some short debate with myself i downloaded it and fell in love.
I remember starting out we could multi window single player free play while in lobbies, and i would practice the moves i was attempting to perfect on TAEKON or AIKIDO. After while i got invited to [EVIL], and as an angsty teen i found a cool group of physics/martial arts/video game nerds to hang out with.
All was great and then my PC TOOK A GIANT CRAP.

I finally after 5 years of saving, scrimping, and birthday wishes i just now was able to finally get a gaming laptop! In all this i wanted to say I"M SUPER EXCITED TO BE BACK GUYS!!!!
Hope to see you in the Dojo.


P.S. - I get that i'm oldschool, but i my hair isn't grey yet. Still i appreciate the fumanchu XD
Evil's Old School cracked out Paladin.
Communities grow and change. I'm just happy to be back playin man.
Evil's Old School cracked out Paladin.
And its me, a member from 8 years ago

I want to die

Toribash Season 1 Rank 3 | Ex-ES Artist | Ex-Mascot of [Alpha]
The community devolved. Don't insult anyone if you don't want trouble with the internet police.
A lot of people are unhappy with the community but honestly it’s evolved as the times have changed.

There’s been a LOT of growth since 2010. The game had cellshading removed (huge bummer) but eventually got an item set that resembles cellshading.
In addition to items being a thing, we’ve got items for joints, atmospheric items, new shaders, an entirely new UI, a ranking system, some crazy LUA scripts thanks to huthug, Bendover and multiple others, and so many other new things.

I don’t remember what year 512 textures were implemented but we’ve got that and also 512 joint textures. Hampa ungraded the ram and storage capacity for servers and inventories, but the server upgrade was awhile ago and I think we’re starting to get a little bit of glitchiness again.

Name changes are now more common than ever, but the playerbase has shrunk a lot since 2012 which was the biggest count I think tb’s ever gotten (12k I think at a time?)

The era of replaymaking came and really took off with people like Swexx, largekilla, oblivion, and others. They created a lot of the movement criteria were using today. Tricking and mma are pretty big at the moment but in 2017 sparring was the rage.

Since 2020 started and hence the end of the world, the playerbase has become a little more testy and toxic than usual. I can’t say that I blame them but it would be nice if we all got along.

That’s a pretty rough recap of everything that’s changed since, hopefully someone else can add more
hi i'm karbn and i eat ass; love the market overlord