What will happen If I download and login on the 0.1 version?
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there is a version where they updated servers and do not work below that version
i am not sure which one it is.
Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up

Originally Posted by Raiken View Post
What will happen If I download and login on the 0.1 version?

im pretty sure the login would not even work.

previous a certain version (i dont know which) like 3.8~ u cant play multiplayer anymore.
because there were some changes on the servers which dont support versions prior that.
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Originally Posted by Raiken View Post
What will happen If I download and login on the 0.1 version?

on version was not possible to login, so, you can't.
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There's a script of some sort somewhere, where you can play multiplayer on any version. I can't find the thread for the life of me though.
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