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Hey there!
If you want to join woor you need to fill out the following form.
Playing since:
Mods you are good at:
Why do you want to join woor:
Why would we want you?:
Do you have msn/icq/irc?:
Anything else to say?:

If you want to join you need satisfy following requirements:
You need to be pretty skilled.
You need to be (bleep)ing awesome as in personality etc.
You need to be active.
And you need to be in our irc channel #woor on the toribash irc server (read the tut)

You'd better visit our irc channel from time to time before you dare to apply so we get to know you.
And read the rules before you post.

Originally Posted by gmon View Post
As a tenth dan black belt I don't often encounter a clan with high standards and ethics. Woor has done much for the Toribash community and I support all their efforts.


Originally Posted by blaj View Post
stfu all this offtopic this is for "may i join" posts only
any other posts will be deleted from now on and if someone who wants to join posts shitty off topic in this post he may not join. members receive claninfractions if they spam this topic.
and fogle: if you reply to this post you have to use the ava i made

Last edited by blaj; Jan 6, 2009 at 09:27 PM.