Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
Pixel Art And Drawing

Here you can post any kind of pixel art and drawings in order to recieve any kind of tips or help from diffrent members.

Me myself is starting to get alot more better at pixel art.

You can see for how many days I have been working on pixel art by watching since when this thread was created.

Here's certain sites you could get few pixel tutorials.
www.deviantart.com [Search for Pixel Tutorial]

There's few other sites that you could search for pixel tutorials and so on.

I will start posting my pixel art from my first pixel world to my newest one.

Im still a novice at pixel art but I keep improving each day.

Here's few of my pixel art works.

There's few more others if you continue inside this thread but they are just older then these.

Pixel art is not realy that hard if you know the basic of it.

Pixel art is just based on each single pixel,even your windows screen is builded with only a single pixel to millions of pixels.

But if you just keep practice on it you will get better and better :P
Last edited by iNoTo; Dec 20, 2009 at 01:29 PM.
| GATA | Guild Wars 2 | Anime United |
You couldn't have posted this at a more perfect time, even if you tried! Roz's been posting loads of pixel art in Omega and has had me itching to get pixering myself. I'm definitely going to have a go at the animating tutorial on the gas13 site. Domo Arigato Gozaimasu!
[GATA Elite #2][PigeonHive]Ldr's
The trees on your newest one are quite good, if you ask me. Probably better than what i could do, due to me not drawing trees very often. =P

The grass is also pretty good, with limited visible tiling. It does appear rather... Bland? But then again, the viewer isn't particularily close to the grass, so ehh.

The path, while doing a pretty good job to look dynamic, is just too undetailed. Perhaps you could add some roughness to it?

And finally, the tree trunks. They're probably the worst part of the image, sorry for putting it so bluntly. They're undetailed and not shaded well. Trees aren't all smooth, they have a very rough surface, as well as many branches. Mind you, not all trees have branches at the lower levels, but they're still covered in rough bark with plenty of flaws. For instance, instead of making the trunk like this:

You could make it like this:

Just remember to add loads of small details, even if it's just a totally random pattern for the bark. That's what i did, anyways.

In hindsight, i apologize if i've seemed rude at any point, as it wasn't my intention to be so.
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
Remeber im still in practices,each day I train on my trees and grass and try to figure out a diffrent way to shade it.

But thanks for some tips .
| GATA | Guild Wars 2 | Anime United |
Ok,A little change to the trees.

Fixing the leafs later on.

The grass will do some changes to it later is just plain green atm :P.

| GATA | Guild Wars 2 | Anime United |
Here's a non-shaded tree.

Will shade it later on when I get back home.

I tried to make it like this one.
Last edited by iNoTo; Nov 15, 2009 at 02:24 AM.
| GATA | Guild Wars 2 | Anime United |
Here's another tree I did.

Still need to add leafs.

Don't know how im gonna do it but its gonna work out in some way.

| GATA | Guild Wars 2 | Anime United |
Wow, you are gettin' much better
I wish you still did textures though. :v
Shin-Ryuu's BanGoat
Hated by all.
Yet still raped.
Zanzy's Hoe Club!
[GATA] [Inq] [doc]lover [GU] [BISH] [r]tard [Addicted]Allie [Doxa]Allie
<Malvie> Zanzaba; only for you, baby.

"Ehh, I'm sorry. I'm just being a dick."
Thanks Zanzaba,Ye I wish I still were doing textures.

But school is making me delaying my works on computers and so.

SO I can't be bothered with requests and all those things.

Pixel works is more easier .

Here's a grass I have build is my first version.

| GATA | Guild Wars 2 | Anime United |