What is your reason for wanting to join: I'm looking for a good org with cool members and nice name...
Belt(Isn't important): 2nd Dan
Age: 13
Infraction & Ban History: Infractioned by useless post, i don't remember to be banned
Special skills: Judo, kicking, decent replays...
Are you IRC/Forum/Ingame active: Forum 8/10 Ingame 7/10
Show us your art/replay skills (THIS IS ESPECIALLY IMPORTANT!):
Attached Files
Socado - ViVi.rpl (63.1 KB, 4 views)
Socado - Leadership.rpl (84.5 KB, 5 views)
Foc - Try #2.rpl (81.8 KB, 4 views)
Judo is not apart the Templar's forte.

Grammar can be fixed.

a bit more of a reason, not all of our members are cooler then me, and the name of this org isn't nice, but serious.

Hmmm.... Maybe.
It's. . . been too long.
I can also do some aikido, and my grammar is bad because i am from brazil i did no english course D:
Also if you don't like, its your problem because in my opinion is cool
Originally Posted by Facade View Post
K guys, do any of you have an Xbox and Dead Space 2?

I have Xbox, but no Dead space.
Originally Posted by Lindzee View Post
Catastrophe, will you apply for officialness yet??

Later, when there are more active members.

Socado: Er

again, aikido is not apart of our forte either.

Don't mind the grammar. at all.

Last but not least...

My problem eh? MY PROBLEM?! MY PROB-

Whatever, just wait for the other members to vote on your app.
It's. . . been too long.
Originally Posted by The Damn First Post
Our main focuses, are to promote honor, and Running, Sparring, and Sword fighting mods.
Also, to help people learn ingame, marketing and artistic skills.

I would love to point you to this little tidbit of information called the first post. It's a no from me, as if you didn't read this, then you shouldn't be applying.
#Magnus - #Sigma