Originally Posted by pusga View Post
What are you requesting: head

Size: 128x128 (poor mode pls )

Theme: robot

Colours: sapphire and quicksilver/grey/whatever

What else you got in mind: basically just make me a head with the same colours of my current head, but that doesn't suck (my current garbage head). also don't make it too polished or anything because the rest of my set isn't that great either lol. just make something you think looks pretty cool, surprise me.

What'chu payin'?*: 25k (30 if i really like it)


yes I started working on something because bored

How are you?
is rly good head keep going
also if the head is super super good make that 50k
Last edited by pusga; Sep 1, 2013 at 01:12 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
oh yeah
sending all my money

you could have done it 512 though if you wanted, it's not like it doesn't resize or anything :u


just put it on and it's super dark compared to the rest of my tori, maybe you could tone that down or add a bit more sapphire, or smth like that?
Last edited by pusga; Sep 3, 2013 at 04:35 PM.
oh yeah
What are you requesting: avatart
Size: an avatar size ...?
Theme: my cat with a rainbow mustache
Colours:blue and grey for my cat
What else you got in mind: my name in the bottom and a cool stache
What'chu payin'?: 2-10k
Originally Posted by pusga View Post
sending all my money

you could have done it 512 though if you wanted, it's not like it doesn't resize or anything :u

Quality would have been even worse then.
Thank you and have a nice day, good sir.
Originally Posted by mrkamikaz View Post
What are you requesting: avatart
Size: an avatar size ...?
Theme: my cat with a rainbow mustache
Colours:blue and grey for my cat
What else you got in mind: my name in the bottom and a cool stache
What'chu payin'?: 2-10k

*I don't accept price ranges. Give me a definite price or be ignored forever.
Last edited by Redundant; Sep 3, 2013 at 04:36 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
How are you?
Originally Posted by pusga View Post
sending all my money

you could have done it 512 though if you wanted, it's not like it doesn't resize or anything :u


just put it on and it's super dark compared to the rest of my tori, maybe you could tone that down or add a bit more sapphire, or smth like that?


How are you?
Black and purple texture for my biceps plz I pay when there done thx
I market ask me for a price on anything I got.