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Your opinion on Black Ops 2
I haven't been active at all.
So it's time to be active again. What do you think of Bloppy Blop BLOPSTEW?
I think it's a massive pile of ass.
However, the soundtrack and Zombies are pretty good.
Every thing else is poop.

Desperately trying to get back into TB...

I don't have it, but I'll rent it soon and tell you what I think of it.
[elite] Sarutobi ~ Ryland Gomez [elite]
I sold it for gas money
Bounafizta says:
My love for u has gotten me detention like 4 times lol
Played my cousin's copy but only zombies & multiplayer. Being honest I wouldn't buy it myself now, it's just the same game released over and over( for me), and GTA 5 used up my food money for last week so not much to spare on new games :P.
Ghosts is shit. From what I've seen from other videomakers.
-_- Goddamn Infinity Ward.

Desperately trying to get back into TB...

It's all kind of bullshit to me. The Call of Duty franchise bastardizes game mechanics from other franchises, reuses all of their own mechanics, puts new skins on their guns, makes a few new multiplayer maps, and asks you to pay another $60 for it.

It's laziness that the public allows to continue because our attention spans are so goddamn short that we'll throw all of our money at the shiny new toys that come out without realizing that it's what we already have, just with a different paint job.

That being said, I have enjoyed all the CoD games that have come out. I just choose to enjoy them a few months later when I can get them used for $20.
[elite] Sarutobi ~ Ryland Gomez [elite]
Ive finally made my complete transition to battlefoeld. Bf4 is fucking amazing. Also, heres a pic of me in the shower

Bounafizta says:
My love for u has gotten me detention like 4 times lol