I have no idea how knowing me would help anyone seem cooler, but you're welcome nontheless. :v
Originally Posted by dengue View Post
nice cartoons shook,
Try vector program once, the lines are quite better.

Well, as much as i like the smoothness of vector graphics, i find the pen tool to be slow and cumbersome in comparison to free-hand drawing. Plus, the way i want to draw is very *swish swish* with the tablet pen, as opposed to fiddling with the same paths for a long time in order to get them to look as they should. Obviously, with practice it'd get a lot less cumbersome, but it just feels more disconnected to me; it's like telling the computer to make these lines instead of actually making them myself, knowwhatimsayin?

also i guess i'm supposed to post a doodle now so

i am tired and i have a cold sorry guise
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
What's your most favourite quick doodle done by you?
[19:59] <Lazors> man it's a good thing people don't see what i write here

That's not an easy question at all, but this guy is pretty high on the list. One of the rare few times where i managed to nail a proper dog face and expression, and also one of the rare few times where experimentation didn't go horribly wrong. :v
I am also really happy with triple pipe dinosaur (whom i posted naught but a couple of days ago), since everything just kind of came together without much tweaking, and the brush works its magic to make it look like i know what i'm doing*. Except the hand, but that's how hands roll. They always need tweaking.

* i rarely know what i'm doing
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
hi lumi

hi guise

you know pusga right?

the guy who always gets spelled with a capital P in a wrong manner

well he commissioned me to draw his beautiful face

based vaguely on reality

<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
that's not Pusga mate

it's pusga


Anyways i've been doing quite fine today, even been rather productive as far as Angry Laser Space goes. HOW SO, you may ask? Well, since i still don't have enough material to warrant bumping the actual thread about it...

SPINNY HELIX TRAILS. Don't mind the glow of the shot falling below it, that has been fixed already. And on top of that...

FANCY NEW ARTILLERY ARC. Compare to the old one that didn't consider perspective.
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
i was addicted to ALS but i couldn't beat level 10 so i quit because i was upset and sad now i want to play it again
don't talk to me or my dudes ever again