Endurance Onslaught 6.0
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[REL] Quickshu - Striking Evolved

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Quickshu Settings

[4-2-2016, 9:02 AM] new version out, quickshu_a, changes:



Screenshots [more coming soon]

in attachments!
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Last edited by hanna; Apr 2, 2016 at 10:05 AM. Reason: Mod updated
Had a couple of rounds with spook and here's my impression on the mod :

- The idea of a striking mod with heavier feet is good, devastating kicks are really satisfying. However I didn't experience that kind of feel while playing, it felt as if the feet were not even that much heavier, but maybe I just didn't play the mod enough.
- The frames are too short, it's too sloppy. We tried with 30 frames and it was much better, more fast paced. (Easy fix)
- The points are fairly odd. Having only certain parts of the body give points when hit is a good idea too, but why giving out points for the elbows/knees (hardest part of your body, that should actually be used to strike too), but not for the head? (Granted is not the smartest idea to hit in real life, but still a good kick there should do some work??)

Other then that the idea is pretty good. Try to tweak it a little so you get a more logical point system, and see if you're okay with a bigger tf. Perhaps you could try give tweak the velocity to the legs, and make the feet even slghtly heavier for truly devastating strikes.

There's one last thing im not to fond of (but that's really down to personal taste), it's the fact that there are no dms at all. I'm not gonna lie, I quite like getting a decap (even if it's really occasionally) on a really big hit. The tresh can be quite high, as long as there's a chance i'd prefer that.

Looking forward to see how the mod can grow if you decide to tweak it a little. A new striking mod is always welcomed in my eyes !
For the points on the knees and elbows. If you hit there then good job, i restricted the points in a way to make it significantly harder to get points. For the turn frames, shorter allowing more precise and rigid movement. can be sloppy if you dont know how to balance. for the weight of the feet its default at 0.25000 i set it to 0.38000. This mod aims to be odd but more difficult. Which honestly i like it how it is, I might make the feet heavier.
I'm not quite sure what to say about this. It's like uh... you took a step in the right direction, but tripped and fell into a ditch, then accidentally started walking in the wrong direction because you were so disoriented from the fall.

I definitely agree with messing with the densities for more devastating strikes and making it easier to build momentum, as well as tailoring points to striking, two things I've made sure to do in all my striking mods.

Now, as a player, I can't quite make myself like this mod. The gamerules are messy and some are even a little anti-striking (super low tf is more suited to mods designed for accuracy and quick engagements, not mods with gigantic (bigger than lenshu's) dojos and no grabbing, where there is a lot of dead space where you aren't near your opponent. It becomes unnecessary and counter-productive.

I looked through the mod in notepad, and only the left foot had an increased density (.35000) and that was actually only on tori. I don't disagree with increased densities on the feet, but I'd also want to add them to the hands (what I've previously done with my striking mods), and make sure they're consistent for tori and uke.

The points are a step in the right direction too. However, the way they currently are is pretty messy. For example, you have the abs giving 50 points but the lumbar only gives 15 points (less than the shoulders!) Not only that, but NONE of the blocks on the torso give any points, which can end up in the person being hit getting more points because they were kicked mostly on the stomach block and a little on the lumbar, but they were able to tap their opponent's knee and use their momentum against them. It makes striking useless and even dangerous if you aren't accurate, which seems completely anti-striking to me. I'd recommend rethinking points completely, and just designing them in simple gradients. Going up the limbs, going up the torso. Don't have objects with high damage output next to objects with no damage output, etc.
Knees and elbow give points? I'd say that's pretty dumb. Blocking with the knees and elbows irl is the most destructive block you can do. People aim for your thigh when kicking low, not for the hardest part on your knee, which is armored by a certain knee cap. Then I think the others covered most things.
Owner of Fred
ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
Will fix it.

Sent from my HTC Desire 512 using Tapatalk
Good news, new version out, check it out
Last edited by hanna; Apr 2, 2016 at 10:03 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
"Dismember enabled at threshold 75."

How is it a striking match when everything booms, including yourself, when you attack?
Owner of Fred
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