Original Post
Cell Shading
I bought cell shading and clicked spawn and when i go in game it doesnt work.
anything im doing wrong?
I checked your transaction history and it seems like you never received one from anyone.

Apathetic User
are you sure about ever having a cel shading?there is nothing on your trade history or any of your inventory sections for that matter.

do you have a screenshot of when you supposedly had/bought the cel shading,by some chance?
"Life is a journey, not a destination, enjoy the ride, with its ups and downs!"
Originally Posted by SillyBeaN View Post
As i clicked spawn it disappeared.


You've never purchased cell shading, nor have you ever had the TC to buy it in the first place.

Seems like you're just trying to get some free items.

They're right about you never owning cell shading, I'll close this. Feel free to post in Technical Support if you insist you had one so we can make an investigation.