Originally Posted by Hoka View Post
First of all, thanks for the a+ reply. I did as you advised and for the last 4 or 5 hours I've deeply researched blockchain and feel as though I understand it pretty well. Currently on reddit and browsing around. What do you mean by "move it offline and store it"?? And what particular advantage does this give.. if any? Also, do graph trends have any kind of importance via cryptocurrency trading? Do you feel as though Ven is going to keep going up? and also what are you comparing to the internet/dotcom boom

Again, thank you everyone for the replys. I understand I could have just gone to google and searched it... but I figured if anyone here knew about it why not start a discussion and share the knowledge.

There are some bitcoin wallets that can store coins offline.
one of those being Electrum

And the dotcom/internet boom was essentially when bitcoin and some other coins essentially went up a huge shit ton in USD from what i remember.