What kind of art do you favour?(GFX, textures, etc): I really prefer hand drawn art. But If I was to pick one out of the two examples, it'd be textures.
How long have you been interested/creating art?: Well over ten years. I have been drawing most of my days since I was a kid. As for texturing, I found out about textures not too long after I joined Toribash.
What do you hope to gain by joining us?: Basically, I am looking for inspiration. But as I mentioned earlier, I'm more of a pencil-type of guy. So I'll need quite some tips to improve my texturing. I would also love to learn how to make GFX stuff.
A few examples of your work: I will post these later, if that's not a problem. I am currently not on my own PC. Therefore, I will have to browse through my deviantART and the Art board in the Toribash forums.
Would you class yourself as a more experienced artists?: Yes. Yes, I would. But then again, that depends on what kind of art we're talking about.

I hope that covers it. Thanks for reading my applications.
"i rlly want to join it cuz to me it is famouse" ~woodysaad
Originally Posted by Dae67 View Post
hey guys ^^

@toxico... this org is based on auto eccepting... so... YES

what do you think about this? =/


Sorry i dont know if im able to post here

If i do then i think u shouldn't make mirrored eyes, maybe add something to one of the eyes just to make them different
So guys, I don't have enough time right now to take care of this organization(You've probably noticed).

Alejandro: Appointing you leader, either make a new thread and re-direct all members to that or let this die. Your choice.
Back for good.
Shouldn't someone close this thread etc.?
I'm not Norman. I'm just Normal.
My account is named after my complete name.