Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
Community Outreach

Something that's been on my mind for a while and that I've been meaning to do is having a conversation with the community about what you all would like and what changes you would want to happen.
We can also address any questions or concerns you might have or general things you want to say to our team to improve our communication.
I feel throughout the years the divide between the players and staff has gotten greater and would like to see the connection between us be improved.
This thread is going to, for a while at least, act as a basis for improving community-staff interaction.

Some things that I personally want to improve on and hope will happen:
- Communication
- Game activity
- Game enjoyability
- Events
Along with anything else that might be brought up in this thread.

Let me explain what I mean by improving communication:
There is a giant divide between staff and players.
I understand how frustrated the community might be with staff over things like not being informed about the clan system change and about prizes on events.
We're staff of this game for the players and we’d like to make this more obvious and visible through our actions, and to make sure everyone feels included.

We get a lot of feedback in the form of backlash and banter.
I want to change that and focus our discussions on what the game needs more.
The staff team will listen to any suggestion brought up and try our best to respond to everything.

Regarding game activity:
We all know that the Toribash has been losing players for a while now.
However, there are usually way more beginners online than there are people on the forums if that is any consolation.
This is why we are planning to move even more events client-side soon.
There have already been some very successful ingame events:
- Free Run Frenzy
- Hole In The Wall
These events have gotten amazing participation from everyone, and we want to do more events like this.
We believe that other events whether competitive, art-related, single-player, etc, will benefit greatly by being advertised and run in the game client.
Our main focus will be events focused on beginners, which will hopefully keep beginner retention up.
There are also some plans to make new items which are accessible to and aimed at beginners.

I'm interested in knowing what the community thinks about this.
For the time being, there will still be events held on the forums but as soon as we can get some dev work done to bring everything to the game client, we'll do that.

Regarding game enjoyability:
This is something that we need your input on, this is your game, and you're playing it.
- What kind of changes do you want to see?
There have been some ideas which could change up the meta a little bit in mods like ABD,TK,JF, and particularly lenshu.

If anyone remembers LesDuncan and what he was doing with TPL, it's sort of similar to the martial arts community now, in the way they've hosted fightnight events and they make new mods.
LesDuncan made a version of ABD in which lifting was still viable, however there are walls and a ceiling that prevented it from being a huge difficulty.
This mod is not perfect, but I would like to see what you all think about it.
In particular, what (if anything) would be required for you to consider it a competitive mod?

About Lenshu:
I believe Kane and fl0w have done an exceptionally good job on their winpoint lenshu mod.
When I mention TPL, this is the kind of mod that I'm imagining.
The running issue has been fixed, and a new feature like winpoints were added.
The communities reception on this event has always been good and in a competitive scene most people prefer this mod to normal lenshu3ng.

I'd like to ask everyone a question: when you play the game does it still feel rewarding?
Do you have anything you want to do in the game still, do you want more purpose?
There are ideas like a free battlepass, just quests for rewards.
Another one that we've had is automated tourneys with different rewards, starts at 10 people in the lobby, could be more TC than usual, or rewards from magicalsack(like an automated etourney but with worse rewards) but like stated previously, we're unsure what we should do.

My vision would be making adjustments to every competitively played mod and hosting events in them.
Just with slight adjustments, the way we play these mods is changed and it makes it more fun.

Regarding events:
Historically, prizes for events have rarely been amazing, and I know that there have been players complaining about prizes not being the best and I agree.
There has been a huge lack of competitive events, excluding clan league and WC, there haven't been any competitive multiplayer events hosted in a while.
There are some events that we're working on right now, and would like to get out soon, I'd just like to see what people have to say about TPL.

In conclusion, the things that I want to work on are:
- Staff-Player interaction, keeping the community updated and asking for what the community wants
- More client-side events
- Working on different versions of the main 5 mods, seeing if there's any way to improve the competitive mod-list
- Better prizes and events, more frequent events
- Making the game more fun, adding new features to hopefully improve retention, new goals and a sense of purpose
- Any new content that is possible to do

I want to have a constructive discussion about these topics and address any questions or concerns you might have about anything not mentioned in this thread.
The OP will be updated if there's anything to update, and I hope this discussion will stick around for a while.
Thank you to everyone who spent their time on reading.
And if you want a shiai token, feel free to take this survey or spread it around in your circles
MS survey for the dueling community, feel free to take it for an ST. input is immensely appreciated.
Last edited by ancient; Feb 4, 2022 at 07:12 PM.
pm me your questions or applications


dance with my dogs in the night time
cash to burn
Hello, i decided to make this post about something that has been "annoying" me a lot lately. Main points i will cover:

  • misleading tiktoks
  • no advertisement to make toribash more known
  • no real gameplay showcasing
I want to talk about is the lack of promotion of toribash on social platforms and the "lack of effort" in producing ads/promoting toribash.

After seeing this post by Shmevin on this thread:
Originally Posted by Shmevin View Post
Please just spend money on advertising or release TBN.
Toribash doesn't need better public relations, it needs a larger (fresh) player base.

I decided to visit the toribash tiktok profile, but what i saw there was not what i expected, the content is maybe entertaining to some, but it really shows no gameplay or how the game really is (multiplayer and competitive gameplay). Even with singleplayer videos, it doesn't show what the game is about, it's just very realistic footage that shows the game as some easy ragdoll movement game.
I'm not here to say that the person behind the tiktok is doing a bad job, but it just feels like they're not showing the game for what it is, it just confuses players that might decide to play the game. I asked some players in the community and they don't understand the purpose for this content either, the replaymaking is a good showcase but there is no multiplayer gameplay or just competitive replays?
I asked the players on the server i was on how they found out about toribash, and these were the answers I got:

Apparently, none of them knew through advertisements, maybe its because they are not common or never even existed? i dont know. Meanwhile, someone who is not being rewarded in any way creates content just for a hobby (talking about this), which is pleasant to watch (obviously, players who do not know the game will not be interested in videos like this, but you can see the i mean about creating quality content).

One reason why i constantly mentioned tiktok is because it did work in the past, i do remember a video going viral and we had 400+ players in-game at the same time. It might make sense to advertise the game better, pay streamers or other content creators to talk about toribash. Maybe better quality of videos could help, with more focus on whats going on?
Originally Posted by Comet View Post
Hello, i decided to make this post about something that has been "annoying" me a lot lately. Main points i will cover:

  • misleading tiktoks
  • no advertisement to make toribash more known
  • no real gameplay showcasing
I want to talk about is the lack of promotion of toribash on social platforms and the "lack of effort" in producing ads/promoting toribash.

After seeing this post by Shmevin on this thread:
I decided to visit the toribash tiktok profile, but what i saw there was not what i expected, the content is maybe entertaining to some, but it really shows no gameplay or how the game really is (multiplayer and competitive gameplay). Even with singleplayer videos, it doesn't show what the game is about, it's just very realistic footage that shows the game as some easy ragdoll movement game.
I'm not here to say that the person behind the tiktok is doing a bad job, but it just feels like they're not showing the game for what it is, it just confuses players that might decide to play the game. I asked some players in the community and they don't understand the purpose for this content either, the replaymaking is a good showcase but there is no multiplayer gameplay or just competitive replays?
I asked the players on the server i was on how they found out about toribash, and these were the answers I got:

Apparently, none of them knew through advertisements, maybe its because they are not common or never even existed? i dont know. Meanwhile, someone who is not being rewarded in any way creates content just for a hobby (talking about this), which is pleasant to watch (obviously, players who do not know the game will not be interested in videos like this, but you can see the i mean about creating quality content).

One reason why i constantly mentioned tiktok is because it did work in the past, i do remember a video going viral and we had 400+ players in-game at the same time. It might make sense to advertise the game better, pay streamers or other content creators to talk about toribash. Maybe better quality of videos could help, with more focus on whats going on?

Well, my comment is not a criticism or anything.
We can see that even the gentleman who released the normal toribash updates took a break from the main game, as the release of toribash nest is so close, the game is already past version 1.0. I think nabi estudio will only spend money on advertising with the release of toribash nest. I believe that what can happen is the community joining, some good people in replays making some videos for platforms like tiktok and etc, and some good people who are influencers within their areas or who know how to manage social networks, it all depends on the community. it is more than clear that we will not have any kind of publicity for the normal toribash coming from the company (nabi estudio) responsible for the game itself in such a short time, with the release of toribash nest so close.
Listen guys we hear you, we get what you're saying. You feel our Toribash content on social media doesn't correctly represent the challenges, the entirety, the scale of the Toribash experience.

But what the Toribash community doesn't understand is our side of the coin. We have the data, we have the metrics, we know what kind of content holds attention, we know what kind of content doesn't. We've tried gameplay, tutorials, trailers, showing aikido/OldSchool Competitive mods and the community. But the things the community enjoys watching and the things a fresh newcomer enjoys watching are often different. Not to mention I am only one person curating AND editing all this, so I've had to come up with a way to make it efficient as I post nearly daily. This wouldn't work If I had to spend each day hacking apart slow gameplay footage and making trailers.
And In my opinion this game is NOT in a place I think we need trailers. I think we should at least have something NEW to offer before we work on new trailers or else it'll just be rehashing the same pitch in this https://youtube.com/watch?v=oXFNqkXn0oQ&feature=shares

People who stay around for Toribash are patient and understand. You can't expect that same courtesy from TikTok users.

TikTok is the antithesis of what Toribash is. Tiktok is seamless, fast, user friendly, and meant to be quickly comprehended. Toribash is none of those things....yet.

Many people don't get this because all they know is the way Toribash was represented on Youtube, but we have to adapt to how it needs to be represented on Tiktok. And even back then the MOST watched content were montages of JUST replays. And it was usually Parkour, XSpar and tricking.

The community wants content for the community.
Tiktok doesn't want that.

In my opinion the backlash we receive on/off social media has nothing to do with how we present Toribash. It's Toribash Itself. You can blame social media all you'd like for the misunderstanding of how slow, challenging, and empty Toribash can be or look. And the community believes showing them gameplay, multiplayer, OG competitive mods, is the "piece" of the puzzle that'll suddenly impress or hook people on the game

But isn't the real solution to that, because it ignores the REAL issue of why people don't stay after we see these spikes in players. It's because we aren't actually making the game any more accessible, we need better gameplay tutorials so people feel supported. A UI tutorial so people can actually navigate seamlessly, maybe find modes that aren't so difficult? A new modmaker so we can see more variety and representation of modes?

Far too long we've been trying to market toribash as fighting game but I hope to shift that soon to marketing as a SANDBOX game. Because as a fighting game the games accessibility and difficulty will always remain an issue. But as a sandbox where YOU make your fun? Maybe you only want to play racing modes, or maybe just sports, or skateboarding, or maybe you just want to build environments. Forget the focus on fighting. That's a new direction and a more inclusive one that increases our value in this market. But first we must wait for the proper changes and updates.

I want to fix the problems that make people leave, so regardless of how the game is represented on Tiktok people will actually arrive and....stay?

Toribash isn't just the competitive/multiplayer mods, Toribash isn't just the MMA/XSPAR/Parkour replays we show. Toribash doesn't just have to be the slow fights, uninteresting environments, or just a fighting game. It can be so many things, Toribash has so much to offer of varying difficulty and interest.

And this year we hope to tackle some of these real issues aggressively.
But in the meantime, we are showing the most attractive side to TikTok new comers, until we can confidently switch to advertising a new, more accessible, and more inclusive Toribash experience.
Last edited by matarika; Jan 28, 2023 at 12:05 AM.
Howdy, I'm Mod Squad & The Social Media Manager @ Nabi Studios , if you have any modding or social media questions PM me or DM me on Discord: Matarika#5297
ATTENTION STAY ALERT!!! I saw a really cool animation in youtube shorts before and it said "BLONDER ANIMATION" in the title!! I got crazy inspired and decided to get myself blunder and become #1 BLANDER MASTER but like WTF.................. blinder was just bunch of weird GRAY BLANK SPACE and KNOBS and VALUES ?? I dont want knobs!!the experience was NOTHING like the damn cool blonder clip I saw in YOUTUBE SHORTS? I left a really angry comment in that youtube short video comment box where I TOLD THAT dude HOW HE MISLED ME, and then I reported the video for misleading advertising and then FINALLY youtube deleted it AFTER I already had phoned their headquarters like 5 times and made 2 60minute long rant videos in my own youtube channel about it.. World has TRULY gone to shit by all this false and misleading advertisement happening in shorts based media!!
next time i see toribash tiktok IT MUST BE matarika making a pk replay(clicking the joints for 3 hours) or I REPORT and PHONE TIKTOK HEADQUARTERS and get toribash tiktok account BANNED
Last edited by akina; Jan 28, 2023 at 04:13 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump

So the Whole thing was going down for some time, about the time of steam release,

The idea was to cling to the same audience of folks on low end side of pc specs, Who were looking for free games, instead of upgrading the game to keep/make it interesting for the core audience of folks on a more creative side, who consider the game as unique UGC where you can express your creativity by coming up with moves, textures, art on forums(clan Pages) etc

So as youve noticed, different direction was taken

Then when low end free games market got saturated, there was no reason for New player to pick up toribash

It is already 2023, so marketing the game differently would not help

What i was proposing during early stages of tbn developement was to avoid the trap of making the same game on the different engine, but keep the idea and streamline the executuion

Changing controls to something more close to ragdoll animation, instead of joints, https://forum.toribash.com/showthrea...+system&page=9

Key feature of toribash is UGC, be it animation/textures/art

But mostly animation in multiplayer, kinda definitive feature, instead of doing animation in bender alone, you participate in it with some body on the net at the same time, failing miserably and getting better with time

To be fair im a bit surprised tbn is still not out

Toribash was introduced in pre-mobile time, now we interact with Web very differently, and barely use computers for anything outside of work, so clearly old control scheme and pc-centric aproach is severely outdated

The idea is still solid and unique, it Just need a different execution entirely

Its pointless to ask why the game is not relevant, or how to make people get into game, or how to market it better when the environment changed completely

Kinda obvious
Last edited by snake; Jan 28, 2023 at 07:29 PM.
tell me about aikido
~referencing Dark Souls in suicidal threads since 13/01/15
Originally Posted by Comet View Post
so no changes will happen like rn?

Depends what you mean by changes.

And what you mean by right now.

If you want to start seeing some slower form content being posted on our Tiktok like gameplay. Or more OG/Competitive stuff being posted on our tiktok, that is a change that can be made right now yes.

I can promise you it won't do anything but please the people asking for it. Won't really help the performance of our page or player retention. It'll in some ways do the opposite.

But as for updating the game so it's actually a game people want to stick with and explore to it's fullest extent. No these changes won't happen "immediately" Like right now or next week. But this year as a whole should be filled with updates, decisions, and content added to the Toribash IP that'll hopefully improve upon accessibility, connectivity, and overall enjoyment. In ways we haven't been focusing on before.
Howdy, I'm Mod Squad & The Social Media Manager @ Nabi Studios , if you have any modding or social media questions PM me or DM me on Discord: Matarika#5297
Originally Posted by matarika View Post
But as for updating the game so it's actually a game people want to stick with and explore to it's fullest extent. No these changes won't happen "immediately" Like right now or next week. But this year as a whole should be filled with updates, decisions, and content added to the Toribash IP that'll hopefully improve upon accessibility, connectivity, and overall enjoyment. In ways we haven't been focusing on before.

Can we have a roadmap please. I have no idea if you're talking about Toribash or Toribash Next, which is often the case with most mentions of future plans.
The game used to have mod rankings, and I've personally seen people quit on the spot for it being removed at the time. Adding it back in would bring back or maintain an audience I am 1000% sure. 10000% sure.

I realize there is a ranked mode in the game but the game has always been based around fighting communities/specific mods rather than being ranked over a broad selection of them, for example, Aikido, Quick Aikido, Aikido Big Dojo, Boxing, MMA, to just to name a few.

EDIT: I read a post earlier about the idea of TIKTOK and Toribash are by nature completely countering ideas in the nature of one is fast paced and the other is slow paced, I think you could distribute some of that waiting time/slow nature by somehow placing multiple arenas in a single lobby, since the engine is being worked on for more than 1v1 fights, this could be a possibility.
Last edited by rjniscool1; Mar 4, 2023 at 04:24 AM.
Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.