1) I'd like someone from TTM to appraisal this please... =\ 2) I spent a long time on this, it isn't C&P and yet tried to make it detailed... 3) If you give me a price that low, would you possibly state why so? =\
[Ele] Leader | [Bleu] Supervisor | Artists' Co-op
aerox, if u want to help appraise, then go request joining the TTM, did u notice, this is the TTM appraisal shop, which means TTM members appraise. not the public
we cant have every tom dick and harry posting appraisals... it would get out of hand. so please refrain from posting here if u arent looking for an appraisal.

and then, 1.5k? are u mad?
that head is superbly made
looks awesome and was a bitch to make. based on this, the head should be sold off for:
min 3k

but yes, removing the flat or adding a big fat watermark would be advised
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
Don't worry about the flat, I hope TB is sensible enough to not steal heads, besides, I have a whole lot of evidence on the head. =] So beware and don't try to steal... >=D

Also thanks BenD for the price. =p
[Ele] Leader | [Bleu] Supervisor | Artists' Co-op
oppinions are one thing. appraisals are another.
you can say stuff like "wow thats awesome" or "omg crap!" but when u try to assume the responsibility of the appraisal technicians, you've gone one step too far.

we're not trying to turn this into a tyrany, but if we let you post your "oppinion" then everyone else will start to do the same. we're trying to make things fair.
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
Um..what 3D fonts? You mean the one in my avi? That's Blending Options -> Drop Shadow, using Photoshop.

On the avi:
The Tori doesn't stand out enough; it blends in with the background. And the head looks stretched; try a not-so-close-up pose. And I can't read the text.

I'd say 400TC.