You can shovel :*
Nomad Moderated Message:
Be more straightforward with your uplifting messages or I'll fucking skin you alive.
I think u are good player, if u keep it up u will have a bright future.
Welcome to RMO!
Pm me for deals
yaaayayayaya \o/
Nomad Moderated Message:
Be more straightforward with your uplifting messages or I'll fucking skin you alive.
(Nick)name : BBKing
Age : 29
Why do you want to join? : 'cause I'd like to get together with other rk-mma-lovers.
Why do you like rk-mma.tbm? : I'm in love with ng-mods at all. But my favorite one is rk-mma. I just like the settings.. perfect dojo-size, gravity and dm.
An own rating of your skill (1-10) : 6.5
3 replays of you in rk-mma.tbm (not needed, but highly recommended) : I'm on my phone atm. I'll post some replays tomorrow.
Originally Posted by BBKing View Post
(Nick)name : BBKing
Age : 29
Why do you want to join? : 'cause I'd like to get together with other rk-mma-lovers.
Why do you like rk-mma.tbm? : I'm in love with ng-mods at all. But my favorite one is rk-mma. I just like the settings.. perfect dojo-size, gravity and dm.
An own rating of your skill (1-10) : 6.5
3 replays of you in rk-mma.tbm (not needed, but highly recommended) : I'm on my phone atm. I'll post some replays tomorrow.

He taught me to play rk-mma. So if I can vote, I vote yes.

i am a bird now - Lil B

Originally Posted by jdawg2001 View Post
Destram is a god, he doesn't need democracy. He is the judge, jury, and executioner.

I tried ;-;

i am a bird now - Lil B

Haha yea, no voting really needed. Still you can of course freely write out your thoughts about the people who apply (be nice though).

Didn't know you weren't already in, BBKing. Added you to the memberlist! Welcome!