Simple opener, and even though in the transition to the short scoot your left leg felt a bit twitchy because of its sudden extension it was hardly a problem.

As for the choice of tricks at the start: the scoot is a trick that stands out a lot because of its wide form while traveling close to the ground and ample rotation.
To get the most out of it, in my opinion it looks better if you combine it as a transition move after a kick, or after another trick that gets you close to its characteristic set-up.
Not that you can't start a combo with a scoot, but it's just that you make it longer and stand out more if you insert it in the middle of a chain, instead of a sudden and rushed start.
Technically, you executed it pretty well though.

The cork that came after it was really nice. Great position while launching, with an optimal coordination between arms and the swinging leg. Mid-air your torso looked over-rotated and bent though. When tricking it's best to avoid sacrificing form over efficiency, so if you come to a part where you lose a bit of rotational speed if you align your body correctly, then that's the route to take without hesitation.

As for the landing of the cork, avoid touching the ground heel first with an extended leg.
In reality if you do even a small hop and land on your heels with extended legs you'll definitely feel the impact on your skull because of the lack of shock absorbing activity that's usually done by your lower limbs.
Also, for you to be able to link moves with more ease you need to loosen up your arms and get them ready before the landing. It's a little bit of planning ahead that will definitely make a difference for the following trick.

After the first cork it became more noticeable that it was a wip, with your knees completely ghosting and a very sloppy landing so I won't go into much detail on that part since you'll probably edit it out later.

Overall you've got a good start of a replay here and my biggest advice would be for you to not follow up with yet another cork, but to be a bit more creative and risky in the next move
We're still kids in buses longing to be free.
Gah-Alright, So overall the replay was very nice and smooth. I liked how you were able to get 3 corks in a row which was pretty cool. I think the last cork was a little slow. Gj
The opener was a bit too stiff. I understand that seeking the arm position you used at first is fairly common, but since it comprises many joints on hold you need to balance it out nicely to prevent looking that stiff.

It also wasted a bit of the momentum it could have had. With your leg lifted and your body starting to fall, it is advised that you make use of that falling momentum, transfer it sideways and then finally upwards in a continuous movement. So if you put your leg down, and then up again to adjust its position, you will be killing the initial downwards force that you created, plus it breaks the flow that the move could have had.

About the btwist. With a single rotation landing with the aid of your hand isn't that good of a choice because it'll look like you struggled with something easy. I understand that it was a great help generate speed for the following move, but you could have used your pecs in a better way during the btwist to get the extra rotation that would have mitigated the need for you to use that hand there.

Then the transition to the cork was lovely. My favorite part of the replay.

The cork itself looked very nice mid-air but you still struggled with the landing. On some cases it's better if you choose to land on one leg to achieve a straighter torso by counter balancing with having the opposite hip extended. Opt out of double feet landings that make your head almost hit the floor.
We're still kids in buses longing to be free.
How did you make the camera all on you dood?! Anyways, beginning horse stance was great, followup back flip was nice with the hand lift there. And the cork was just amazing, dood. I DIG YOUR CORKS TEACH MEH BLAGAGAGAGAGAGAG-- Anyways, the pose was awesome.

Good job, now you tell me; How did you make the camera all on your tori? HOW?!?!?!?
"Brains are like computers but squishy and very watery :3'' ~D
Originally Posted by MrDevilMan View Post
How did you make the camera all on you dood?! Anyways, beginning horse stance was great, followup back flip was nice with the hand lift there. And the cork was just amazing, dood. I DIG YOUR CORKS TEACH MEH BLAGAGAGAGAGAGAG-- Anyways, the pose was awesome.

Good job, now you tell me; How did you make the camera all on your tori? HOW?!?!?!?

Thnks for the Cnc Bby

Mk so, read the spoilers

You should have this

Open with Notepad, Change This

To This

Now you have this

Hi your welcome C:
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Can't remember the last time i did one of these. Rusty as fuck
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Last edited by Chilledon; Mar 18, 2014 at 01:47 AM.
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