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Chilledon's Replay Thread
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Attached Files
#Chilled - Bowling.rpl (173.2 KB, 269 views)
#Chilled - Bifurcate.rpl (118.3 KB, 162 views)
#Chilled - Taste of the Glory.rpl (120.4 KB, 176 views)
Last edited by Chilledon; Jun 11, 2014 at 05:16 AM.
[My Replays] | [Aether] | [PM Me For Request Mods] | [Tricktionary]
[Static] | [Xioi] | [♥2WC♥] | [iFred] | [Oblivion]
A quick replay I made, Wasnt meant to be fluent :>
Attached Files
#Chilled - Prometheus.rpl (434.1 KB, 118 views)
[My Replays] | [Aether] | [PM Me For Request Mods] | [Tricktionary]
[Static] | [Xioi] | [♥2WC♥] | [iFred] | [Oblivion]
Hey, Chilled. I can't check your replays right now, on a different computer. I'll see you a little bit later though. Oh! And by the way, I might host an event!
•You're bananas!
Your replays are nice, could of been better but they are Old so you must of been pretty new then. I give them a 7/10
bands a make her dance