Item: {Banner, Headtexture, Sig...}: Head texture
Details {Robotic, Simplistic, Realistic...}: Robotic, with a visor nice shading. Don't make it too detailed though :3.
Colors: {Green, Void, Sapphire...}: Demon prim, elf, sec(make the little details elf and the visor elf.
Extras: {Words, 3D, Size...}: 512, make it futuristic-ish

Thank you very much. I loved the head you made me earlier back .
can i haz gui? plz
Congratz on shop of the month
Blue mummy like-ish..
download mah tori textures
thank you
PS: u must haz nice day
Oh, and my grammar is not like that, in case you were wondering.
Didn't get much done today. Spring break ended and whatnot.

Here's Manxie's Avatar:

And Here's the Raid Banner

I can make any changes that ya'll would like.

Also, I still can do most of the new requests, other than...

@Godjin, Sorry, I can't do set requests as they take too long.

@theowna, A head based off of a sketch? Sound fun. I'll PM you when I'm ready for the image.

Item: GUI + Symbol
Details Go with the style of my texture set. Tribal, but not too tribal. Would it be too much to ask if you could design a simple and effective symbol and put it as the logo? Something like a letter L with a cool idea behind it. I honestly can't think of anything.
Colors: Maya, Typhon and Demon
Lovin' Perfected
Item : Head texture
Details : Make me a Tribal one . Like Zaarock's or KiTFoX's new head tex .
(if you don't know .. in the toribash game put /dl kitfox . then look at kitfox's head)
Colors : Put Void and Pure .. clashing altogether (tribal)
Extras : Tribal-ish Robot (like kitfox's new head) . or just Tribal .

PM me the headtex when your done ! :3
Last edited by ZeroStarx; Mar 25, 2010 at 02:40 PM.