Okay what should I download from the community workload, so far I've picked Python development but I just want to know if I should pick something. Like I said all I want to learn is Python and Java.
Originally Posted by 16bars View Post
Hey guys, I want to start learn how to code in Python and then Java but I want to know what's the best program to write codes in?

For starters
Python => IDLE(it's also packaged in python installer)
Java => Eclipse

Once you know your shit I recommend VSCode(personal fav) or Atom for python and IntelliJ for java
Originally Posted by 16bars View Post
Okay what should I download from the community workload, so far I've picked Python development but I just want to know if I should pick something. Like I said all I want to learn is Python and Java.

Join our discord my man, it'll be easier to help you out if you need it
I use Atom for everything

Find the hidden shovel and uncover the secrets of my religion.

10:17 PM <~Creati0n> GAS THE DUELERS
6:35 PM <&Fear> good job reta you are now the King Admin
6:35 PM <Typhon> Gj Reta god

Originally Posted by Oxide View Post
tbh i just use vim for everything

Only like vim for editing remote files, using it on a day to day basis would require me to spend too much time and effort until I'm able to use it as productively as other editors

Originally Posted by Reta View Post
I use Atom for everything

Atom is great, used to love it until I met VSCode
Eh Neovim is ok. Definitely Sublime text and Visual Studio though.
Those are the 2 I recommend. I would replace Neovim with CodeBlocks.

Be Cool. Have Style.