Favourite Anime/Manga: Ghost Hunt (if I absolutely have to name ONE)
Favourite Character: Naru
What made you love Anime/Manga? No idea?
Clan Blood Leader
Favourite Anime/Manga: Lucky Star ^^
Favourite Character: Konata! =D
What made you love Anime/Manga?: Konata again XD
Originally Posted by Lempika View Post
Well that died pretty quickly, I guess there aren't many anime lovers out here.

now that is a quote that is a lie now

39 members once Lempika gets back
Anime United
ummmm in toribash does this come up before my name

Manga/Anime: BLEACH
Character: Hollow
Made me love it: Friends got me into it
Arrancars :3

And now, we have 40 members! Sorry I was away yesterday.

@zoopy: Nah this is just a social org. No need for ingame tags. Unless you want to ;)
My favorite manga: dragonball Z and One piece
My favorite manga character: Goku of cource
What made me fall in love with manga: The epicness that they put into every drawing