Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Age: 15

Reason to join the clan: i was invited and am very interested in this clan.(also i am a ginger AKA very lucky

Your name: jack
How much you play: almost everyday

What can you do for this clan: i have a good personality... and am good at aikido (i think)

How much you go on the forums: not very often but i haven't had a reason too

Do you have steam: of course

What mods you are good at: ABD aikido greykido

Are you willing to wait to join this clan: yes

Also what gender: manly man
I am 16 yrs old I want to join because im tired of being the only one that's really active and actually want to be a part of something great and successful my nickname is rey I play everday after school I can recruit really good players and I love to war and im pretty decent I don't go forums that much but I have had to because I became a recruiter for itua yes I have steam but I haven't been on it in awhile im good at aikido wushu and aikidio big dojo and I have been getting into sparingand tricking yes sure male

Reason to join the clan?
cause i feel like it duh
Your name?,Or nickname?
How much you play?
alot 600+ hours on steam
What can you do for this clan?
help do stuffs
How much you go on the forums?
Do you have steam?
YES candyisbae
What mods you are good at?
Are you willing to wait to join this clan?
Also what gender?
Reason to join the clan?
cause i want a clan that i can trust
Your name?,Or nickname?
How much you play?
alot 600+ hours on steam
What can you do for this clan?
help bring together the clan and make a bit of friends with eachother
How much you go on the forums?
Do you have steam?
YES candyisbae
What mods you are good at?
most abd mushu and parkour mods
Are you willing to wait to join this clan?
Also what gender?
It is still silly but fine welcome back
Originally Posted by silent122 View Post
Reason to join the clan?
cause i want a clan that i can trust
Your name?,Or nickname?
How much you play?
alot 600+ hours on steam
What can you do for this clan?
help bring together the clan and make a bit of friends with eachother
How much you go on the forums?
Do you have steam?
YES candyisbae
What mods you are good at?
most abd mushu and parkour mods
Are you willing to wait to join this clan?
Also what gender?

I Just Want Love

Reason to join the clan?
i want join because i like how active the leader is and how much the clan puts forward to the game and sees it as fun and serious so yay i want to be a part of that

Your name?,Or nickname?
My name is rey vela but u can call me cowboy because im from texas

How much you play?
i play everyday after school

What can you do for this clan?
i can recurit and i can make some cool textures for the clan as well and im really good at ABD at times

How much you go on the forums?
i dont go the forums as much but for ITUA my past clan i had to becuase i was the recurtiter
Do you have steam?
What mods you are good at?
im good at ABD greykidio judo mushu wushu and aikido

Are you willing to wait to join this clan?
sure i have nothing better to do say yeah ill wait

Also what gender?